Wednesday, November 16, 2005


With gas prices soaring out of control recently, you'd think that the administration would do everything in its power to help Americans cover the rising costs of fuel. But instead of pushing for stronger fuel economy standards, the Bush administration announced a proposal that would do nothing to end our dependence on foreign oil or lower gas prices while creating new loopholes to allow carmakers to get out of meeting fuel economy standards.

Will you join us in speaking out in favor of creating better vehicle choices and rejecting new loopholes for gas-guzzling automakers?

We need to submit 50,000 comments before November 21st to make sure that the Bush administration gets the message. Click here to submit your comments today!

The Bush administration's misguided plan would do nothing to reduce fuel usage until 2010. Their plan would also make it easier for automakers to upsize their vehicles by including a loophole that allows larger vehicles to meet lower fuel economy targets. Finally, the plan continues to exempt vehicles weighing over 8,500 pounds from meeting fuel economy standards - forcing the farmers, contractors and business owners who rely on these vehicles to continue paying increasingly high fuel costs to operate them.

With gas prices soaring to over $3.00 a gallon in recent weeks, Americans simply can't afford to wait for tougher fuel economy standards. Cost-effective, off-the-shelf solutions are possible, but the government needs to hear that we want this technology now!

Please don't wait - we only have until November 21 to submit 50,000 comments on this plan. Click here to tell the Bush administration to stop listening to automaker lobbyists and start listening to the American public.

Once you've taken action - please click here to send a free message to ten friends urging them to submit their comments before the November 21 deadline, as well.

Thanks so much for your support,

Katelyn Sabochik
Online Campaign Manager


Anonymous said...

Hey stupid,
You can deny being a democrat, but the majority of Americans(Conservatives)can see through the liberal stupidity (Denying being a democrat didn't work for Paul Hackett either)....your desire to be apolitical is obviously also blown by your links to those oh so popular socialist sites.
Good luck getting use to getting beat down in elections.

The Unknown Candidate said...

I can see you've learned Rove's techniques well. Accuse the other guy of what you are: stupid.

From you comments, I assume you are pro gas price gouging and anti-alternatitive energy development. Good luck paying your heating bills this winter.

Apolitical, by the way, means that I answer to no political party. It does not mean that I don't hold my own strong views -- which may or may not agree with one or more political party views. It just means I will not compromise my views based on party politics.

Oh, and by the way...if you bothered to research it, the majority of Americans are NOT conservatives.