Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Help Stop Marriage Consitutional Amendment

The right wingers are at it again. Last week, a Senate subcommittee narrowly approved, on a 5-4 party-line vote, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would deny marriage rights to same-sex couples ; the full Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to take it up soon.

"If adopted, this would be the first constitutional amendment that would enshrine discrimination in our Constitution; it would actually compel states to discriminate against their gay and lesbian citizens." (PFAW American Way) Never before in our history has there been a constitutional amendment that discriminates against a certain group of Americans by excluding them from the same rights enjoyed by other citizens. If this amendment is allowed to pass, it will set a dangerous precedent that puts in jeopardy every American's constitutional rights and freedoms.

TAKE ACTION: Please Call Your Senators Now!

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