Thursday, November 17, 2005

More lies from our VP of "Vice" Cheney

CLICK TO READ: Document Says Oil Chiefs Met With Cheney Task Force - Washington Post

CLICK TO READ: Cheney Joins GOP Criticism of Democrats - Washington Post

Websters Dictionary defines the word "VICE" as:
1 a: a moral depravity or corruption: WICKEDNESS
b: a moral fault or failing
c: a habitual and usu. trivial defect or shortcoming: FOIBLE
3: a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint

How appropriate for our current "Vice" President. Yesterday, it was revealed that "Vice" President Cheney's energy task force met secretly with big oil company chiefs in 2001 while developing a national energy policy, parts of which are now law. Environmentalists, who were shut out of those meetings, complained that their interests had not being represented along with those of the corporations. So what else is new?

At the same time this secret meeting was being reported in the Washington Post yesterday, Cheney, was out making his usual viscious attack-dog propaganda campaign speeches, calling charges by those who contend he and Bush manipulated intelligence on Iraq "one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city." Rove's overused tactics (accuse the OTHER guy of your OWN dispicable behavior) are evident in spades. The devil himself would have a hard time competing with Cheney in the "dishonest and reprehensible" category. But then Cheney's crediblility poll numbers can't drop much further--they're already bottom of the barrel. Ahhh. Ain't VICE nice?

BOTTOM PHOTO: Testifying at a Senate hearing last week were, from left, Lee R. Raymond of Exxon Mobil, David J. O'Reilly of Chevron, James J. Mulva of ConocoPhillips, Ross Pillari of BP America and John Hofmeister of Shell Oil. (By Chip Somodevilla -- Getty Images)

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