Wednesday, November 16, 2005

DAY 10: Pentagon Admits Using White Phosphorous in Iraq

CLICK TO READ: Pentagon Used White Phosphorous in Iraq - New York Times

The New York times reports that the Pentagon, after an initial denial, acknowledged that white phosphorous was used last November in Fallujah as a weapon against insurgents. They continue to deny its use against civilians.

This announcement came after Italian communists held a sit-in Monday outside the U.S. Embassy in Rome to protest of the use of white phosphorous by American troops. Initially, the State Department had denied that U.S. troops had used WP or any other "illegal weapons" against enemy forces in Fallujah or elsewhere in Iraq.

Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman, in an about face, said WP shells are "a standard weapon used by field artillery units and are not banned by any international weapons convention to which the U.S. is a signatory."

Signatory or not, the U.S. should not be using WP. If for no other reason, you can bet that, as a result of our condoning them, these types of weapons will be used on our troops at some point in the future.

Venerable's statement gives no explanation of or takes any responsibility for the horrific pictures of civilian victims of WP in Fallujah. Surprise, surprise.

See Previous Posts here.

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