Sunday, November 13, 2005

Blair faces new inquiry into Iraq war - [Sunday Herald]

CLICK TO READ: Blair faces new inquiry into Iraq war - By James Cusick, Westminster Editor [Sunday Herald]

"Impeachment campaigners claim former ministers will join 200 supporters to force Commons probe"

England renews attempts to hold Tony Blair accountable for his part in the run up to the Iraq war. Hopefully, their success will hasten attempts here to hold Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Company accountable.

The only way to insure this is if we -- each of us -- demand accountability. Write letters to your newspapers, call your congressmen and senators and demand -- don't ask -- that they exercise their oversight responsibilities by holding accountable anyone in the government who lied, misled or manipulated intelligence in order to wage war on Iraq. The more our representatives hear from us, the greater the chance they will listen to us--especially if we make it clear that we will not support their re-election if they fail to do their duties and act in our behalf.

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