Sunday, November 13, 2005

95 Methodist Bishops from Bush's Church Repent Iraq War 'Complicity'

CLICK TO READ: - Politics - Methodist Bishops Repent Iraq War 'Complicity' by Kaukab Jhumra Smith

"WASHINGTON — Ninety-five bishops from President Bush's church said Thursday they repent their "complicity" in the "unjust and immoral" invasion and occupation of Iraq...."

THE UNKNOWN CANDIDATE: Must be some mistake. First, that this was reported on Fox news. Second, that these Bishops weren't privy to the conversation between God and Bush when The Almighty (God) told The Emperor (Bush) to invade Iraq. Geez, if the Bishops, who are close to God, after all, weren't in on it, maybe Bush dreamed the whole thing up. Ya think?

PHOTO: AP, President Bush prays at the National Prayer Breakfast
CAPTION: Best Caption Contest...submit your captions for this photo in "comments". I'll feature the best caption with the photo next week.

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