Friday, November 11, 2005

Al-Libi's Tall Tales Reveal Bush & Company's Tall Tales

CLICK TO READ: Al-Libi's Tall Tales - Newsweek National News - Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball

CLICK TO READ: t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | That Warm Feeling

Daily, newly released classified information proves that the White House intentionally ignored the intelligence communities' warnings and misled Congress and the American people in their efforts to sell an illegal war.

Yet, today, we see Bush, once more plopped down in front of a hand-picked military audience, chiding us that "it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began." He said it. I didn't.

The same, tired Rove tactics are blatantly apparent in the President's speech: namely, accuse your opponents of doing the dirty deeds that YOU are in fact doing. Sorry, fellas. It doesn't work anymore. Bush's credibility is at it's lowest point in his Presidency. The numbers ought to drop a few points more after today's remarks.

PHOTO: Taking marketing techniques to new lows, the cynical message behind the "Strategy for Victory" sign behind Bush is: Strategy to Win by Any Means--including lying repeatedly--to the American people and to the world."


Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain this to me? How can a politician or a political party call themselves "PRO LIFE", when they insist on "staying the course" in Iraq? This administration is responsible for killing 2030 American troops, and thousands of Iraqi civilians, including thousands and thousands of innocent women and children. Does that mean that the unborn have more of a right to live than those being killed on the ground?

The Unknown Candidate said...

I have posed that same question to those who profess to be "pro life". But you put it better than I. Here is a portion of an e-mail I recently sent to a reader: "How can the "Right" be pro life and pro war and pro death penalty--all at the same time? The hypocracy of valuing the life of an UNBORN child, who has not yet even developed a conscious existence, over the lives of our sons and daughters who we cavalierly send off to fight and die in illegal wars--it boggles the mind."

I appreciate your comment and hope you'll stop back soon with some more.