Friday, November 18, 2005

Senate approves $60 billion tax cut bill -House approves spending reductions

CLICK TO READ: Senate approves $60 billion tax cut bill (Reuters)

THE SENATE: Politics, pork, and posturing. What else is new? There's good news and bad in this bill, but it's a whole lot better than I anticipated a few weeks ago. The Republicans are running scared which gives the Dems a chance to push for the interests of our most vulnerable citizens over the interests of the elite. Let's support their efforts. Find out how your senators voted. Then, write, call, e-mail them and urge them to stand firm against tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations, and encourage them to speak out -- loudly and clearly -- for the interests most American's care about: education, medicare & medicaid, etc.

CLICK TO READ: House Approves Spending Reductions

THE HOUSE: Republicans succeeded in barely passing an unbalanced, unfair bill that that "squeezes programs for the poor, for college students and for farmers, handing Republican leaders a hard-fought victory after weeks of resistance in GOP ranks." A handful and a half of Republicans joined Democrats in an effort to defeat the bill. "Republicans salvaged the win this time only by jettisoning one of President Bush's top domestic priorities, opening Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, then trimming planned cuts to food stamps, Medicaid and student lunch programs. Those changes pared back the measure's savings by more than $4 billion, and moderate Republicans say they expect the final version will be cut back further in negotiations with the Senate."


The Congress From Nowhere - New York Times

t r u t h o u t - Senator Dianne Feinstein: Eliminate Oil Drilling Tax Incentive Now!

House votes to cut $700 Million in Food Stamps |

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