Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Why Bush Must Be Impeached

Listen to David Lindorff, co-author of "The Case for Impeachment", articulate the ten most serious reasons why Bush should be impeached.

Feel free to add your own, and please spread this far and wide.

Source: June 17th interview with Laura Flanders on Air America's "Radio Nation."



REB 84 said...

After watching THE DARK SIDE, I say Impeach Cheney first.

The Unknown Candidate said...

Reb 84, I had the same thought. Although I think I'd impeach Cheney, Rummy, Bush at the same time. They are all culpable. Ignorance and inexperience (on Dubya's part) are no excuse for the lies and abuses of power that have transpired.

"The Dark Side" included all the makings of a Shakespearean or Greek tragedy. Lots of "fatal flaws" to go around: Tenet and Powell especially, having traded their integrity for power (Tenet) or loyalty (Powell). It's quite tragic, really.