Monday, June 26, 2006

Hillary: Privacy = Liberty

Senator Clinton Opens 2006 National Convention with Major Policy Address on Privacy
On June 16, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) delivered the opening address of the ACS 2006 National Convention with a major policy address on privacy in which she announced new proposed legislation to address the security of private information. Declaring privacy to be "synonymous with liberty," Senator Clinton called for greater federal protection for personal data from theft or misuse by private commericial actors, as well as greater Congressional and judicial oversight over domestic surveillance and data-mining programs unilaterally crafted by the executive branch.
I'm not a Hillary fan. But equating "privacy" with "liberty" and proposing a "privacy bill of rights" is both good and smart.

Now if she could only make the same leap when it comes to the Iraq war and equate "peace" with "liberty" instead of "peace" with "occupation".

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