Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's Time to Impeach Bush--Here's How.

Trouble Viewing the Video? CLICK HERE.


Jordan said...

hey. U dont no me. but i think bush should be impeached. How do i get that cost of war thing.

The Unknown Candidate said...

Looks like you figured it out yourself. Good going, Jordan.

Jordan said...

Yup. I should have looked a little before I asked.

Jordan said...

Thats kind of scary that NSA thing with the Ip of my computer. It told me everything about it. Exept I don't live in Brattleboro and it said that.

The Unknown Candidate said...

Not as scary as the prospect of the actual NSA or FBI or CIA or some secret spy agency we haven't yet learned of -- spying on your email, bank records, internet surfing, phone calls, voting records -- well, you know the drill. That's what America has become under GWB: A nation waging endless wars against terrorists, designed to control oil rich nations and create more terrorists, which will incite more fear in the America people and ensure more wars to come, fought in the name of our now nearly non-existant freedoms and rights. And for what? Take a look at the Big Dick's Halliburton retirement package for starters.