Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dave, You Ignorant Slut

The only completely factual statement in Brooksie's latest op ed is this self-assessment: "...I'm still no military expert."

He should have stopped there.

He also should have disclosed the complete list and credentials of his "own personal War Council, composed of 20 or 30 people whose judgments have been vindicated by events, whose analysis is based on firsthand knowledge and not partisan desire." Barry McCaffery, one retired general cited, is about as much a shill for BushCo as I have seen on cable news. Non-policital? Hardly.

How come John Murtha isn't quoted? The reason is fairly obvious.

Equally obvious is Brook's notorious selective fact finding, much of which is not even cogent to our success or non-success in Iraq.

Read with your antenna up.

Pessimism Without Panic
By David Brooks
The New York Times

TimesSelect Non-Subscribers, click here.

Photo credit: David Brooks. (The New York Times)


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