I need a break.
I often feel like this blog is a waste of time, that I am talking to myself or to those who are already aware of the dismal state of our democracy and are as frustrated about it as I. So what is the point? Right-Wingers, when they do comment, resort to Rovian personal attacks and cannot even carry on an intelligent dialogue, much less debate. I've seen zero evidence that I have changed even one person's mind. So, again, what's the point?
Who knows, maybe I'll feel different about all of this tomorrow. Or maybe not. Either way, I will continue to call and write my representatives and protest and work for change, but, honestly, I am not optimistic that anything I or anyone does on an individual level will make any difference at all.
First, because I no longer believe that Democrats offer a compelling alternative to what we have now. The fact that they couldn't even unite the party for a vote against torture and for habeas corpus speaks volumes about the lack of a Democratic moral compass.
Second, because the mainstream media is no longer the fourth estate. It is almost entirely an extension of the Bush PR department. (Apologies to Keith Olbermann, perhaps the one exception in TV news.) Without an independent mainstream media, the chance for educating enough Americans to want change is minute.
Third, because I think it may be too late to stop the shifting of power from the people to the White House. Congress has acquiesced. So have most citizens. We have surrendered our rights with barely a whimper. We have failed to hold those in power responsible for their illegal wars, illegal prisons, illegal torture, rendition, domestic spying, Constitutional violations, and compromised elections. We have so far, in a word, failed ourselves, our children, and our country.
And, finally, because our elections are no longer secure and can no longer be trusted to elect those for whom we vote. After five and a half years, at least one proven stolen presidential election, and evidence of a second stolen presidential election, our votes are more vulnerable to tampering and error than ever before. The fact that the Democrats have not been up in arms over this is evidence of their complicity in election fraud and their disregard for the rights of the people they supposedly represent.
So, time out. Enough.
In my absence, I highly recommend that you explore the many excellent blogs, independent media, and organizations listed in my sidebar.
I wish you all well. I thank you for your comments and support.
Technorati tags: The Unknown Candidate, Time Out, Politics, Blogging, Blogs, Political Action, Political Change, news, commentary, op ed
well, i for one am sorry to see you go, hopefully just for awhile.
i don't think anything much will change until people are willing to step up and take to the streets, not for any march or whatever, but to stand outside the whitehouse indefinitely.
i also think we're gonna need outside help but that shit's not gonna happen until Old Europe or whatever sees a massive indefinite street presence.
Sadly, I agree with you. Congress has failed, the main stream media have failed and the American people have failed and we are left with a corporate, corrupt govt. Our Sen.-Billl Nelson voted with the republicans to do away with habeas corpus and expand executive power. the St. Pete times had as its cover story, a story of a monkey and lion from the zoo. The shredding of the constitution was little noticed. But renew and re-engage-we need you. And thank you!
While I sympathize with your frustration, I'm also very disappointed to hear of your departure. I'm an Egyptian, not an American, but in today's world what goes on in America affects everyone else. Having the world's most powerful country go the dogs and give up on its democratic and humanitarian ideals portends very badly for all of us. One only needs to look back to Germany in the 1930's to realize how ominous this is. If the Americans that do realize what is going on stop fighting, the whole world is screwed.
I'm an artist and rural, outside the mainstream, and I've been reading you almost daily. I appreciate your effort to inform and educate and will miss your comments.
I am also very sorry you go, but I understand your fatigue.
From a Canadian friend...
Sudbury, Ontario
I recently discovered your blog, so I am sorry to hear that you are giving it up.
Yes, I agree with all that you said and agree that these are the times that try one's soul, but even if it is only connecting with other like minded-people, we must stay together to pick up the pieces when things fall apart. And they will.
I happenned to go to the National Constitituion Center in Philly on Saturday. As I walked around Signers Hall, I realized that they had similar problems and impediments in creating a system of government for us, but they managed to overcome their issues and prevail. We must as well. The alternative is not an alternative.
To all,
Thank you. Your support is truly appreciated.
Although I won't be blogging for a bit, I will remain active in "the fight." It's not in me to give up. I just need a little respite to prevent my mounting cynicism from getting the better of me. Pessimism breeds pessimistic results, and I fear that my anger over current events was taking me down a rather a negative, dark road with zero visibility and no bright lights ahead. Clearly, it's time to step back, cut through all of the dismal, daily, news stories and start focusing on a more positive approach, if possible.
As long as we all keep reacting like puppets to the latest political scandals, pundit spin, sensationalized murders, etc. we are doing the White House's bidding. They (and their media lapdogs) hold the strings, and we allow ourselves to be jerked into reacting to their latest diversion.
We need to cut those strings and set the agenda for something better. We need to paint a vision of a more peaceful, more compassionate country--and world--where people come first, where pro-life means anti-war and anti-killing, where cooperation and friendship replace arrogance and disrespect.
Where the heck is Mahatma and Martin when you need them?
Peace to you all.
Gunna 'miss' Ya, Mahn!
Peace and Love,
Back 'At'cha, Pal!?!
I am trying to leave the country. I told my wife last night I am moving to Mexico. But, if it is any consolation, I say to you, "stay." You are a bookmark for me. Rethink it. I feel better knowing I may actually leave at any minute.
i realise i'm lucky as fuck to have had plans to leave the States before 9/01. watching it all, first from Germany and now from England just kills me, demoralises and depresses the shit outta me. more, even, as bu$hCo goes blithely along, not giving a shit about anyone apart from his 'base' (may they all rot in the hells they believe in starting now).
as i've said here and there all over the internets, i'll be on the first fucking plane from Heathrow to DC the second i know there's a serious, massive, INDEFINITELY LONG demo going on outside the whitehouse (and fuck any 'free speech' zones or whatever).
Larisa Alexandrovna, Raw Story editor and journo in comments over at WOT is it good 4:
...hang in there. We have truth on our side, justice on our side, and history both past and in the future on our side. While I have long ago dropped the notion that I am fighting for America, I have not stopped fighting for the Constitution, which while an American document is made of ideals that humanity has worked to achieve for ages. That is my goal, to fight for those ideals, no matter where they may find a current home.
Hey there, I hope you don't stay gone long, but I can empathize. I have days when I want to stop blogging and move away from it all, like deep into the woods. But I hope you come back soon; we need a lot of eyes, or blogs watching the Dark Side.
I'm really sorry to see you go so soon after I've discovered your Blog. You express my feelings quite closely.
The last time I voted in the USA was in Broward County, Florida, with an Absentee Ballot. Of course I'm still not confident that my vote was counted.
In Bangkok, Thailand, where I live now, we have just experienced a political upheaval, to return the power to the people from those that seized that power. The Thai Rak Thai party, of the Thaksin government, accomplished this by subverting the Thai constitution and manipulating it to serve their own corrupt ends.
Some say that the Military coup here in Thailand was undemocratic... But let me quote from the US Declaration of Independence... a document that is of great personal importance, as I was born on the 4th of July...
"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government…”
I’m NOT suggesting that the situation in the USA requires such desperate measures as were utilized here… I’m only trying to draw an analogy to illustrate what could happen if the current situation of citizen apathy continues in the USA. The exact details of Presidential/Prime Ministerial malfeasance differ between the two countries. The Thaksin government in Thailand was overtly corrupt, and instead of stealing his election by trickery and manipulation of the system, he was able to out-rightly BUY the electoral process in Thailand. This ability to control the government through a culture of corruption, and the inability for an opposition to regain power via the democratic process, led directly to the Coup as the only means left to effect change, and redirect the government back to a truly democratic system.
It seems to me, (and I’m beginning to feel you would agree) that due to the totality of the domination of Partisan Politics in Washington, the current Two Party system is now become moribund and dysfunctional. It is beyond repair. May I suggest that the time has come for a retooling of the US political system as it is currently structured? I’m not suggesting any violent act... I’m only confident that the best way to assure the return to the tenets of the Founding Fathers and the America of The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution we love and respect, is to establish a VIABLE and empowered THIRD PARTY… One that believes in the power of Bread and Education… Not Bombs.
The Declaration of Independence may provide the justification required for a democratically inspired Military Coup in Thailand, BUT it also provides for the revamping of our US system, to put in place a redesigned one that could address the imbalances currently corrupting the existing one.
Do you Agree?
Tolerating Intolerance is Intolerable.
No Tolerance for the Intolerant, is more Tolerable then Not.
Again, all, thank you for your comments and support.
ComicSurfer, I agree with what you say -- 200%.
The challenge is how to accomplish such radical change nonviolently. With our grossly misinformed, disengaged, and/or apathetic populace lulled into complacency by our propagandized media, the task is at the very least daunting. Add to that rampant government corruption; elitist policies; a military-industrial driven agenda; a dysfunctional, money driven political system -- well, you get the picture: meaningful change will not come easily.
Yet change must come -- even if in small stages. If we allow our government to continue its present course, America will go the way of all empires -- it will fall, hard.
Although more and more Americans are waking up to the truth behind the spin, many still have not.
Hopefully, the elections next month will at least begin to restore a balance of power and some oversight (Though I suspect Diebold & Friends will prevent such an outcome.) We'll have to wait and see, but at the same time, continue to work outside of the system for more radical, meaningful change.
Right now, I personally need to step back a bit to re-evaluate my own strategies and re-focus my efforts to be more productive.
I'll be around, posting a bit -- and welcome ideas, strategies, comments.
Thanks again, everyone.
'Yet change must come'
every time i read that i can't help thinking of Mao Tse Tsung Said (Change Must Come Through the Barrel of a Gun).
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