Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gender Bias in the Boardroom

The subject of MoDo's latest Times op ed is Carly Fiorina, "the first female head of a Fortune 20 company" and current "expelled C.E.O. of Hewlett-Packard."

Fiorina's experience ("When I finally reached the top, after striving my entire career to be judged by results and accomplishments ... the coverage of my gender, my appearance and the perceptions of my personality would vastly outweigh anything else.”) is all too common among women who have succeeded, if only fleetingly, in climbing the corporate ladder to the upper echelons.

Welcome to the real world of women in business -- and just about everywhere else.

How Carly Lost Her Gender Groove
By Maureen Dowd
The New York Times

Non-TimesSelect Subscribers can read MoDo's op ed here at Free Democracy.

Photo credit: Maureen Dowd. (Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times)

Other Gender-Issue Articles:

  • The Byline Gender Gap

  • Greenstone launches all-women radio talk network - washingtonpost.com
    Greenstone Media, a radio company whose founders include social activist Gloria Steinem and actress Jane Fonda, has launched an all-women, all-talk network across the United States. Steinem said the network, which is run by women, aims to provide an alternative to current radio talk, which she describes as "very argumentative, quite hostile, and very much male-dominated."

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