Thursday, October 26, 2006

Unknown Candidate Endorsed by Davey?

In spite of the fact that I tend to dismiss David Brooks' usual opinions as amounting to little more than the blind leading the blind, I think Davey's criteria for future political success fits yours truly rather well, no?

Excerpt from David Brooks' latest NY Times op ed, "The Era of What's Next" :
"...If you look at the political landscape, identification with the Republican Party is falling but identification with the Democratic Party is not rising. Instead, there is a spike in the number of people who do not identify with either. People correctly perceive that neither party has a coherent agenda this year.

In the near term, the candidates who thrive will be those who offer a new way of politics. This might be the maverick independence of McCain, or the ostentatiously deliberative style of Obama, or it could be the manner of somebody whom none of us are even thinking about. Candidates who seem conventional will have a tough time...."
Non-TimesSelect Subscribers can read a reprint of Brooks' op ed here.

Photo credit: David Brooks. (The New York Times)

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