Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rumblings from America

If you wonder why BushCo has been waging a war on the middle class and education in this country, contemplate this one statement from today's Nicholas Kristof NY Times op ed:
"All around China, from Thailand to Indonesia to Mongolia, rising incomes and education levels eventually led to major protests demanding more accountable government."
An educated American populace cannot so easily be fooled by lies and low-brow Rovian diversionary tactics. A richer American populace tends to be more educated.

It ain't difficult to figure out the Administration's agenda, folks. The dumber and poorer we are, the easier it is for them pull the wool over our eyes and convince us to let them continue to act above the law, against our own best interests.

To read Kristof's entire op ed, click on one of the links below:

Rumblings From China
By Nicholas D. Kristof
The New York Times

NY TimesSelect Non-Subscribers, CLICK HERE. (Thanks to Donkey O.D. for the reprint.)

Photo credit: Nicholas D. Kristof. (Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times)

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Anonymous said...

All around China, from Thailand to Indonesia to Mongolia, rising incomes and education levels eventually led to major protests demanding more accountable government.

aaaggghhhhh! makes a lot of sense, although i can't see these idiots having the brains to figure that shit out

The Unknown Candidate said...

Bush, dumb as a rock. The Big Dick, Rummy, and Rove, however, are dumb like foxes.

Why else would they pass a prescription drug plan giving Medicare no ability to negotiate prices, thus putting them at a disadvantage to private insurers, thus assuring Medicare will not be able to compete, thereby putting one more nail in the coffin of the Medicare/Medicaid program, thereby hurting America's most vulnerable, keeping them down and dumb.

You can see this pattern in everything BushCo promotes. Their policies have succeeded thus far in significantly widening the gap between the rich and the middle class and and shamefully increasing the size of the poor.

Our education system is rated 35th or so in the world. BushCo's commitment to privatizing social security is intended to further hurt and weaken the middle and lower classes--by pulling their security blankets out from under them.

The reason for all this madness is philosophically totalitarian -- to benefit the elite few at the expense of the masses.

They know exactly what they are doing: destroying Democracy--as Hitler did in Germany--for their own immoral ends.

Anonymous said...

jesus fucking christ...i never thought that deep down before.

our fucking journos have a LOT to answer for, more than i originally thought possible.