The Definition of Tyranny
By Bob Herbert
The New York Times
"There is every reason to be alarmed about the wretched road that Bush, Cheney et al. are speeding along. It is as if they were following a route deliberately designed to undermine a great nation.NY TimesSelect subscribers read more here.
A lot of Americans are like spoiled rich kids who take their wealth for granted. Too many of us have forgotten -- or never learned -- the real value of the great American ideals. Too many are standing silently by as Mr. Bush and his cronies engage in the kind of tyrannical and uncivilized behavior that has brought so much misery -- and ultimately ruin -- to previous societies."
Photo credit: Bob Herbert. (The New York Times)
Non-subscribers, read more here.
More Bob Herbert:
- Working for a Pittance by Bob Herbert - New York Times
(NY TimesSelect Non-subscribers click here.)Low-income workers are being stonewalled because they are not part of the natural G.O.P. constituency.
Technorati tags: Bob Herbert, The New York Times, Bush, US Politics, US Government, Tyranny, Fascism, Torture, Terrorism, Rule of Law, Supreme Court, news, commentary, op ed
Mr. Herbert, whom I mostly admire, has contributed to this very problem by not questioning the problems of 911. He has joined the masses of Americans making up the lynch mob that has convicted OBL for 911 even though there is credible evidence that he couldn’t have done it. He has never (that I can remember seeing) pointed out that 911 would not have happened had the security system that had been in place prior to the summer of 2001 been kept active. Even given that change, he has never, again as far as I can recall, never pointed out that the president could have stopped at least 3 planes (2nd tower, pentagon, Pa) before he stepped into the class room at Booker. It is only a “baby step” to move to the belief that we need to be protected by the removel of our cultural liberties. Mr. Herbert needs to question the “facts” of 911. We all do!
Excellent point, Anonymous. Herbert, in not questioning the events leading up to and surrounding 9-11, is unfortunately not alone -- he is part of the majority of journalists who have not investigated these issues.
I would point out, however, that 9-11-- if proven to be state sponsored terrorism or not -- served it's purpose either way as a catalyst for this administration's initiation of their neo-con plan for world domination --much of the evidence of which is the subject of Herbert's piece.
I would also argue that most journalists have shied away from tackling the dangerous underlying ideologies that are spurring current policies. Until the American people understand, expose and vehemently oppose the true goals and agenda of BushCo and their underwriters, our democracy will be continue to be on life support -- or worse.
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