From MediaMatters: " With the recent escalation of violence in the Middle East and a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, the right-wing media have declared a new "world war" but have not agreed upon which world war the United States now faces: World War III, IV, or V." Click to watch the video debate.
Technorati tags: Media Matters, War, World War, Fox News, CNN, Bush, US Foreign Policy, International Relations, news, commentary, media
People like you are why our Media is so fucked up. This website shouldn't even exist. Do you have any clue what ALL is happening in Iraq? Try talking to a few soldiers who are currently fighting for your freedom so you can preach the bullshit you preach about the US in Iraq. We went there to finish the job that the Old man left behind and we did just that. Now is not the time to worry about our so called "Invasion" of Iraq as you idiots so call it. An Invasion is taking over of a country, we didnt do that.. get it right you stupid fucks. It's sad that we have people willing to die so your pathetic asses can say the shit you say about our Country doing this and that. Go blow yourselves or get shot.
Thanks for your oh-so-astute comments, Anonymous. They just go to prove that Forest Gump's mother was right: "Stupid is as stupid does." Next time you want to make an argument, try less name calling and a few more reality-based facts. All you've succeeded in proving is your own inability to think critically.
For the record, I've talked to more than a few soldiers who were fighting in Iraq. They don't share your point of view--far from it.
In case you haven't heard, Iraq didn't crash any planes into the World Trade Center and Saddam Hussein posed zero threat to the United States. So exactly how are you fighting to protect "us?" Sorry, kid. The only ones you're fighting for are the oil companies, war profiteers, and their cronies.
Try reading a history book or two before next venturing to open your mouth. (Why am I even wasting my breath?)
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