our Declaration of Independence
from a British King
and the birth of Democracy.
Yet as we gaze at the flag
through the sharp pops and booms
of firecrackers and cannonballs,
the ooo's and ahhh's and screams
fall flat.
The celebration stops short,
hanging awkwardly in mid air:
Our flag no longer stands
for what America has become.
Its a flag in search of its country,
a flag waving madly before our eyes,
flapping frantically in the wind
like a shrill slap in our face, crying,
"Look at me! Remember me!
Remember why you honor me!"
Days ago, Congress defeated
a flag-burning bill by only one vote.
The fact that the vote was so close
is appalling.
But more disgraceful
is why Republicans
are so concerned
about citizens destroying our flag --
which is nothing more or less
than a symbol of our country --
when they, daily, have been dismantling
the very laws and principles
of the country it represents.
Why do they worry about burning a flag
when our sons and daughters
are burning in a hell of their making,
fanned with lies and greed?
Why do they worry about a piece of cloth
embroidered with stars and stripes
symbolizing 'The United States of America' --
when they have done everything in their power
to undermine the very fabric of that union,
to cause divisiveness and hatred,
Blue State against Red,
Republican against Democrat,
neighbor against neighbor?
Why do they pretend that
the destruction of our flag matters?
The flag is already destroyed.
We need no laws against flag burning;
We need a new flag
to represent the new nation
we have chosen to become:
A new flag that is split in two,
half red, half blue.
A flag that is soiled and tattered,
its seams ripped from within.
We need a flag to symbolize
the nation we have built:
a nation of strife and hatred,
of selfishness and arrogance.
We need a flag that waves proudly
for corruption, and lies,
and flies only in secret places,
hidden from public view.
We need a flag that flutters and gasps
in the wind of our stolen elections.
We need a flag that wraps itself
like a shroud over the dead,
dismembered bodies of innocents.
We need a flag that is rent,
a flag at half staff,
mourning the death
of a great nation,
once free,
once proud,
once aspiring to justice
and compassion.
We need the flag of a dictator.
A king's flag.
The flag of a Scion,
an Emperor.
We need a flag that flies like a bully
in the face of every American
who longs for what used to be
and still longs for what could have been.
We need a flag that is put aside
and discarded like our laws
and our values and our votes.
We need a flag that weeps in the rain
over what she has lost
and thunders her rage to the heavens.
We need a flag
that as long as she continues to fly
over this once proud nation
asks one word over and over again--
until it is heard and answered.
One word,
One simple word:
© 2006 The Unknown Candidate
Technorati tags: Fourth of July, America, American Flag, Iraq, Bush, Justice, News, Commentary, op ed
very nice, as usual. :-)
if i were there, i'd have gone out and stolen a made-in-China rag, which would be flying upside down in my window today. (just sayin')
LOL, I know, I know ....
Thanks, Rimone.
j'You Tell Me!?!
Why? Have 'We' Ameican Citizens, I 'think' we're all 'Still' considered Citizens of this '?Great?' Country...
Why? Have 'We' Elected (Twice), Mind You,
People who have, Themselves, 'Elected' to take 'OUR' Freedoms Away, InStead of 'Strengthening' Them, at a 'Time' of 'Maximun' 'Strategic' !DANGER! Sooo...
Yeah, j'You {MAsked MAn/or/WOman)
!PLEASE!'Tell Me' Why? You think thadth is???
Do you have an hour? That question has a multi-level answer involving such issues as stolen elections, corruption, media control, lies, secrecy, fear tactics, hidden agendas, empire building, elitism, and lust for power--most of which you can discern by reading this blog.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Sir! I got All of Thadth from j'Your Piece...Which BTW Was/Is 'Very Thought Provoking', Z'thadth Said, The Question 'Remains' and Is, 'Still'... 'WHY'???
Why?' 'We the American People' have Not Only 'Allowed' This...'Deception' AND 'BeTrayal' of 'OUR' Core Principles to take 'Place'!?! 'We',(and Yes, even, 'Those of 'US', Who Choose to NOT to Vote for 'This Man')...'We' and 'I', and 'Even' j'You...ARE to Blame!?! 'WE' Continue to 'PerMitt' this 'Group', some have called 'Them' a 'CABAL', of Power 'Infused/Hungry'Individuals, and, a seemingly, 'Messianically' called 'Cult of the 'PreTenTious and PreTenDing' Leader, to 'Continue'. Not Only are 'They' 'Eroding' or 'Basic Freedoms', BUT !'Gleefully'! Destroying Them...AND...Then...
And Then...Daring 'US' and 'Our' Supposedly 'Free Press' to DO
Including, To Simply, 'Report the Fact', Thadth, It IS 'Actually'Happening!?!
Yes, Right before 'Our' very 'Eyes'!?!
Sooo...I 'just' thought...
j'You Being the 'UnKnown Candidate' and 'All', thadth, Well...j'You 'MIGHT' have 'A' Solution to This 'Problem'>...
BeFore It 'IS' TOO LATE...
And, 'Thadth', "IS'Zah", 'IS' Too LATE...
Not a'Latte!?!
HowEver!?! Thank-You for j'You REsponse, err,'Sir/Mame'.
At this point, m'friend, there is no easy, simple solution. For now, do all you can to educate others and become active in organizations you believe in.
If you haven't already, watch Aaron Russo's film, "America: from freedom to fascism" when it comes out. (Link to the trailer is here) Read Aaron's blog and help him get the word out.
Follow the principles of non-violent protest.
Write and call your representatives constantly and tell them what you expect of them--if they expect your vote.
Above all, don't give up. That's what 'the powers that be' want us to do.
Because the sheeple of the U.S. let them steal the election, water down the Constitution, tread on our legislated freedoms and sidestep the governmental checks and balances our founding fathers put in place.
Watch the movie, "V for Vendetta." It's at the dollar theaters. Instead of Britain, imagine it takes place in the US. It will explain everything.
Loved the poem. You really nailed it, Unknown.
Ann, I don't think the ordinary people of the United States have any control over what is happening, haven't had for a long time. Also, they're subject to unrelenting, extremely effective propaganda. Our leaders and our press have failed us, pure and simple.
Your comments to Ann are dead on, Brenda. And thanks for the kudos ;))
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