According to Jason Leopold of Truthout.org, "Notebooks belonging to former New York Times reporter Judith Miller indicate she may have been told about covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson by another White House official before her first meeting in late June 2003 with I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff who was indicted last year related to his role in the Plame-Wilson leak, an attorney representing Libby claims."
The most troubling part of Leopold's current report is this:
Jeffress argued that Time should be required to turn over drafts of Cooper's first person account of his grand jury testimony published in Time July 25, 2005, so the defense can determine if it reads differently from the final version of the article that appeared in the magazine and could subsequently help prove Cooper is not a credible prosecution witness.I leave it to readers to ascribe as much credibility to Leopold's report as they dare, given his last erroneous reports that Karl Rove had been indicted by Fitz.
Judge Walton agreed.
"Upon reviewing the documents presented to it, the Court discerns a slight alteration between the several drafts of the articles, which the defense could arguably use to impeach Cooper," Walton wrote in his May 26 ruling. "This slight alteration between the drafts will permit the defendant to impeach Cooper, regardless of the substance of his trial testimony, because his trial testimony cannot be consistent with both versions."
Technorati tags: Plamegate, CIA Leak Investigation, Patrick Fitzgerald, Karl Rove, William Jeffress, Judith Miller, Scooter Libby, Jason Leopold, Truthout, Bush, Cheney, news, commentary
Leopold posted the transcript for chrissakes. Give the guy a break already. Read it yourself and make the call. What the fuck is wrong with all of you lazy bastards who think you know everything. And we haven't heard from Fitzgerald yet so YOU should not be calling the Rove story erroneous.
Yes, Leopold posted a transcript. I did give the guy a break--took him at his word in many earlier posts. I also said I'd leave it to readers' judgement to "ascribe as much credibility as you dare..." and I made no personal judgments. I am still waiting to see (if it is ever made public by Fitz) if Rove made a deal to avoid conviction. I'm hoping against hope that is the case.
I also don't appreciate being called a "lazy bastard" who thinks I know everything. There is "nothing the F___ wrong with [me]." God knows, I don't know everything. I don't pretend to be an investigative journalist. I can only go by what I read from others who are and hope that information I pass on to others is credible.
Gotta say, after reading Leopold's book, I'm wondering if perhaps "anonymous" is Leopold himself. For his sake, I certainly hope not.
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