Tierney writes, "In the West we’ve redefined “honorable” as being virtuous, fair, truthful and sincere...." In word, perhaps. But that kind of honor hasn't been evident in our government's deeds for a long, long time.

Another Man's Honor
By John Tierney
The New York Times
To Hezbollah, there is no such thing as “collateral damage” from its missiles. Israel keeps telling the world that its army aims only at military targets, but Hezbollah doesn’t even pretend to. Its soldiers proudly fire away at civilians.
These terrorists consider themselves men of honor, and unfortunately they are — by their own definition. We in the West can call them barbaric, which they also are, but they’re following an ancient social code, even if we can’t recognize it anymore.
The best guide to this code is James Bowman’s new book, “Honor: A History,” which is not a quaint collection of stories about dueling noblemen in Heidelberg. If the obsession with defending one’s honor seems remote now, it’s not because the urge has disappeared. We’ve just forgotten how powerful it is.
In the West we’ve redefined “honorable” as being virtuous, fair, truthful and sincere, but that’s not the traditional meaning. Honor meant simply the respect of the local “honor group” — the family, the extended clan, the tribe, the religious sect. It meant maintaining a reputation for courage and loyalty, not being charitable to enemy civilians. Telling the truth was secondary to saving face.
This “tyranny of the face” continually frustrates Westerners trying to understand the Middle East. When I interviewed villagers in Iraq, I discovered we usually had separate agendas: I wanted the facts, but the villager wanted to avoid embarrassing either of us. So he would tactfully search for the answer that would both please me and not dishonor his family.
When American tanks rolled into Baghdad, Western television viewers were astonished at the sight of the Iraqi information minister steadfastly denying that anything was going wrong. But it made sense from a traditional honor system. The only thing worse than being defeated is the shame of admitting defeat.
He was just following the strategy of Sir Lancelot when the knight was accused of adultery with Guinevere, King Arthur’s wife. Everyone, including Lancelot, knew the accusation was true, but Lancelot insisted on fighting his accusers — and after he defeated them, he proclaimed that his victories proved his innocence. He had saved face; therefore he must be honorable.
Lancelot’s strategy, as Bowman explains, ultimately didn’t work because his traditional view of honor was going out of fashion, made obsolete by the influence of Christianity. Instead of might-makes-right, Christianity preached turning the other cheek. Instead of according special honors to an elite class of men, it preached egalitarianism and love toward strangers. It emphasized inner virtue, not outward glory.
The result was a new honor system in the West, chivalry, that was an uneasy combination of Christian virtues and knightly violence. Eventually, with the decline of the aristocracy and the rise of the bourgeois and democracy, the system evolved into what Bowman calls honor-by-merit, epitomized by the Victorian ideal of the gentleman who earns his reputation by working hard, playing fair, defending the weak and fighting for his country.
The problem today, as Bowman sees it, is that the whole concept of defending one’s honor has been devalued in the West — mocked as an archaic bit of male vanity or childish macho chest-thumping. But if you don’t create a civilized honor culture, you risk ending up with the primitive variety.
“The honor system in Arab culture is the default honor system, the one you see in street gangs in America — you dis me, I shoot you,” says Bowman, a scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “We need a better system that makes it honorable to be protective of those who are weaker instead of lording it over them.”
When you’re confronted with an honor culture like the one in the Middle East, there are two rules to keep in mind. One is that you are not going to placate the enemy with the kind of concessions that appeal to Western diplomats. “Hezbollah is fighting for honor, to humiliate the enemy, not for any particular objective,” Bowman says. “Israel has no choice in what it’s doing. Nothing short of victory by either side will change anything.”
The other rule is that you’re not going to quickly transform an honor culture. The Iraq war was predicated on the assumption that democracy would turn Iraqis into loyal citizens with new civic virtues. But for now the old loyalties to tribes and sects still matter more than any universal concept of justice. The men would rather have honor than peace.
Photo credit: John Tierney. (Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times)
Technorati tags: John Tierney, New York Times, Bush, Israel, Hezbollah, Middle East, Lebanon, International Relations, news, commentary, op ed
Could this be a case of brain damage from watching too much television? Or maybe he's an AIPAC operative? On the Whitehouse payroll?
I dunno. He seems to be intelligent. Has to be some explanation for this.
LOL. Intelligent or not, the guy is hopeless.
The 'Conscience' of the 'unKnown Candidate' thinks...
Mr. Tierney should have stopped after 'His' first sentence. "To Hezbollah, there is No such Thing as 'Collatteral Damage' from 'It's Missles." Everthing after thadth 'statement' was about 'Something' He shows 'He' has 'little to no' Knowledge of What-so-Ever...'Honor', in any of Man'ifestations. 'His' sourse, (Mr. Bowman)and 'guide book', likewise, appears to 'know' little on 'the' Subject of 'Honor among Men'. Just ask a 'Native American' about a 'Civilized' Man's Idea of 'Honor', in comparison to the 'Primitive/Pagan', ie. Barbarian/Savage's. First, notice the 'terms' each Individual is 'Couched In'...Not 'the' Barbarian's Language to be sure. Next, One can bet that that 'Native American' would of sure wished 'His' Ancesters had 'leaned' heavier on the 'Land and Property Right's Issue, than on 'Trusting' to the 'Civil'iZed' Man's Ancestors to 'Honor' ANY of 'His' Agreement's! Yes, 'Mister' Bowman and 'Mister' Tierney are 'Nice, and, Peaceable' Folks...'Right Up and Until', Their 'Indian Neighbors' sets foot on 'Their Property'. (SomeWhere, 'Probably' in the 'Sacred Land's of the (Gold),err, Black Hills of 'the' Dakoatas. But, I Die'Gress...Sorry, Oh yeah...Yeah, The Middle East, Hezbollah, Isreal, Oh'Honor, OK, Ok OK! Their IS and WILL NOT be ANY 'HONOR' in 'Fighting' there. This IS NOT the 'PlayGound' at Reccess', People! Well, Unless, of course 'One-Side' KidNaps One Another's Soldiers, Thadth is. Back to Reality. Hezbollah (and Hamas) HAS as 'Their' Stated 'Purpose'...The 'DESTRUCTIONof ISREAL' as a 'Nation/Country'. Period. That IS WhadthFk the 'Fighting' IS all about. Isreal, as a 'Nation State' and a 'People' are Fighting for 'their' VERY SURVIVAL. Thadt Said...The IsrealiEees do 'Tend' to 'Over Do It'...Always, WITH 'OUR' Sanctimonious Sanction...'Tah'GoAh'Head' and 'Clobber'Em'...'And Clock'em ah'Good'en!''Honor', Nope. No Way! NaDa...Not when One Side is Fighting to 'EeeeLlinmate' Its Enemy and the 'Other' IS 'Fighting for It's VERY Survival. Nice Thing 'Honor', when 'Looked' at from 'Afar' and as a 'Ideal', in 'Real Life/War Fare'...Put 'It' back 'Under' the 'Yout' Pillow and 'Dream About'!?! Thank-you Vey Much..cofuKC.
I 'also' appeared as 'A' Concerned Citizen' from W'ByGod'Virginny...Somethin somethin about 'Why'...It was Sort'a Like a Poem (July 4ish)
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