Friday, February 17, 2006

The NSA Spy Engine: Echelon

In case your missed it....

Jason Leopold reports on the National Security Agency spy program code-named Echelon, which was likely responsible for tapping into the emails, telephone calls and facsimiles of thousands of average American citizens over the past four years, in its effort to identify people suspected of communicating with al-Qaeda terrorists. Read more.

See Also: Congress Shut Down Spy Program in 2003

Jason Leopold :
"It now appears that shortly after the federal government told the White House it was trampling on individual privacy rights with its 'suspicionless surveillance,' several current and former NSA officials said, President Bush signed an executive order authorizing the National Security Agency to secretly eavesdrop on American citizens' email and international phone calls, thereby continuing, in effect, a domestic spying program that Congress had objected to.

Given the fact that 'suspicionless surveillance' was under way in 2002, it's hard to comprehend why the New York Times, the publication credited with first exposing Bush's secret domestic spying program last month, felt the
need to hold the story for a year."

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