Sunday, January 01, 2006

Anti-Imperialists Beware - Bush Is Reading Again

Jim Lobe writes an interesting (and almost funny, if it weren't so serious) piece theorizing that since Bushie almost never reads anything, we had best pay close attention when he does, upon rare occasion, set his eyeballs on a particular book.

Check out Bush's current (and past) reading materials and you'll be hard pressed not to see the resulting policy parallels.

You'll also be hard pressed not to be aghast at how very few books this guy actually reads. Let's put it this way: he sure isn't exposed to a wide range of perspectives or philosophies -- just those select few Vice and Rummy want him to adopt. Don't want to confuse the boy too much, after all. (From watching his notoriously blundering press appearences, we know he's easily befuddled.)

This is really scarey stuff, people: proof positive that a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing.

I truely believe Bush (at best) borders on ignorant when it comes to understanding the world and how it works -- all the more reason to impeach him and boot the whole cabal out of Washington for good.

(There ought to be a legal way to impeach a president for gross incompetence alone, don'tcha think? -- not that we really need another legitimate reason to impeach Bush. God forbid that another quite so grossly incompetent president ever comes to power again.)

Read Lobe's article here: t r u t h o u t - Jim Lobe | Anti-Imperialists Beware - Bush Is Reading Again

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