Monday, January 09, 2006

Thirty Questions for Alito: Back to Bush v. Gore

The New York Times published five editorials all dealing with the same subject: "Thirty Questions for Alito." Oh, what I wouldn't give to hear the answer to Scott Turow's 5th question, which follows:
"It is anticipated that you will decline to comment on cases and questions that you could be called upon to decide as a justice. But that scruple should not apply to cases that history teaches us are in all likelihood unique. Therefore, state how you would have ruled in the case of Bush v. Gore in December 2000. Beyond the principal decision, would you have joined the court's majority on Dec. 9, 2000, in voting to issue a stay, freezing the recount that had begun in response to the order of the Florida Supreme Court? If so, explain, with citation to supporting authorities, what 'irreparable harm' part of the traditional legal formula for granting a stay, might have been done if the recount had continued while the United States Supreme Court was reviewing the lower court's order?"
For those interested, the other editorial questions are here:Photo: Scott Turow (Greg Martin)


Anonymous said...

why the fuck wont these guys ask questions about how they are going to rule? that's the whole fucking point, if this shit keeps going we should replace the supreme court with a senate comittee

The Unknown Candidate said...

I hear ya...our system of government is extremely messed up...if Alito is confirmed (and if the commentators are correct, he will be) things will get much, much worse. Alito will become a fascilitator for Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld fascism. The only thing that we can hope is that the midterm elections change the balance of power back to the Dems (the only hope for holding the current administration accountable for it's illegal actions) and that the 2008 election results in a strong, non-neocon president with a progressive, honest agenda for dealing with the problems we face as a nation. Unfortunately, regardless of what happens in the upcoming elections, should the crimes of this administration end up before the Roberts/Alito Supreme Court...chances are the guilty (Bush, Cheney, et al)will get away with murder.