Monday, January 09, 2006


Today's the Last Day of the January 6-9 People's Lobby for Impeachment

Send a Letter Today and Use Our Tell-a-Friend System. It's Easy!

Three days ago the People's Lobby for Impeachment was launched. Tens of thousands of people used the web site to send an email or fax to their elected official demanding that Bush and Cheney be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. More than one thousand people per hour sent letters in the first twelve hours alone.

If you haven't yet sent your letter, do so now. We must make our voices heard. Click here to send your letter.

Tell a Friend!

If you have already sent your letter, you can click here to send a message to a friend. You can write a brief statement informing them that you have participated in the People's Impeachment Lobby, and encourage them to do the same. Click here to automatically forward this email to them.


Impeach Bush / VoteTo Impeach

Also see:

Bush Should Be on Trial Too
Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Arab News
"There have been reports from US federal agencies that the White House chose to ignore warnings of possible terrorist attacks on American soil, perhaps to bring together the impetus needed to garner world sympathy and license these “democratic lawmakers” to pursue their diabolical objectives."
Feingold won't rule out Bush impeachment


Anonymous said...

done and done--thanks again.

The Unknown Candidate said...

Thanks, Rimone!

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about HR 333? I urge you and your readers to take a few minutes to look at:

It's a list of the 25 most recent comments made by real Americans participating in an online poll/letter-writing campaign concerning the impeachment charges recently filed against Vice President Cheney, which are now being evaluated by the House Judiciary Committee. Comments can be sent to elected representatives and local newspapers at your option. The participation page is at:

Since this campaign began, some members of Congress have signed on as co-sponsors, in part due to hearing from their constituents. Has yours? Make your voice heard, and let others know!