Sunday, April 30, 2006

The GOP Auction House

For too long, the Republican-led Congress has worshipped 'The Special Interests Gods' to our detriment. Whatever the SI Gods want, the SI Gods get:
  • Huge giveaways to big corporations and industries that do not need a handout.
  • Legislation like the energy bill that sent $8 billion to big oil while doing nothing for gas prices
  • The Medicare bill that confuses and overcharges seniors.
Under the spell of the SI Gods, Congress has neglected to pass necessary and meaningful reform to assure honesty in government.

At the SI Gods behest, the Republican-controlled Congress has turned the "People's House" into the "Auction House."

Well, folks, it is high time we took it back. Find out how bad things have become and what you can do about it here.

Meet: John Sweeney, GOP CRONY OF THE WEEK.

(Click on Photo to see how Rep. Sweney makes Congress his very own Pay-to-Playground).

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