Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Unlike George Bush ...

God Did Not Anoint Me ...

To speak for him

To wage wars in the name of greed

To decide who is worthy of marriage and who is not

To arm citizens with assault weapons

To give to the rich and rob from the poor

To forsake the people of New Orleans

To decide which religion should reign supreme

To destroy the environment

To lie to the American people

To decide life and death

To sacrifice someone else's child for unethical ends

To control women's bodies

To stand by and watch genocide in Sudan

To impose democracy or any other government on a sovereign state

To renounce those who disagree with me

To kill and maim people for political ends

To plot assassinations of leaders in other lands

To covet money and power at the expense of others

To deny medical attention to any person in need

To discriminate against those different from myself

To promote hatred

To illegally spy on my fellow citizens

To stifle debate

To give unfair favors to those who pay me for them

To play with the lives of others for politics

To use fear to manipulate people to act against their own interests

To ignore the Constitution and abuse my power

To condone torture and rendition

To intimidate and smear my political opponents in any way I can

To subvert free speech and control the media

To ignore laws enacted by Congress

To rig elections here and elsewhere

To allow children or adults to starve to death

To deny equal education to all

To pursue agendas at odds with the will of the people

To create my own "reality" by manipulating the truth

To promote wars in the name of peace ...

Unlike George Bush,
I was not anointed by God
To speak for Him.

I am but one person
Trying to respect the beliefs of others,
Aspiring to live by the Ten Commandments
As best I can,
Imperfect as I am,

Struggling to admit my mistakes,
Vowing not to make them again,
And promising to try harder
To be a better person --
Who does unto others
As I would have them do unto me.

George Bush, despite his delusions,
Was not anointed by God,
Who watches him from the Heavens,
Sees all,
And will not forget his deeds.

How long will we continue to watch and choose to forget?

How many more will we allow to die
For our lack of courage to say, "No More."

How many more will we allow to die
Before we demand that Congress
Stop funding an illegal War of Aggression
And bring our men and women back home to their families?

How many more are you willing to let die?


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