Saturday, December 16, 2006

Chutzpah of the Year Award

Bush and Spending -- So Now President Bush Wants to Talk Fiscal Responsibility?

By Steven Leser
"Bush gets my vote for greatest amount of Chutzpah in 2006. Chutzpah, for the non-Jews out there, is most closely translated as unmitigated gall. The old tongue in cheek explanation is that a teen who kills his parents and then pleads with the judge for mercy because he is an orphan is displaying Chutzpah. This leads in perfectly to the topic at hand.

This President has presided over the most irresponsible fiscal record in history. His administration, along with his cronies in the Republican congress, turned several years of surplus federal government budgets delivered by the previous administration into massive deficits. This is the same President who thought it was a good idea to implement tax cuts at the same time he increased spending.

After six years of spending a lot more than the government was taking in, now Bush wants to tell the incoming Democratic congress that they have to be fiscally responsible (See this CNN report on Bush's remarks today, 'Bush vows to tackle pet-project provisions'...."


Anonymous said...

An unknown candidate a week before the election has NO CHANCE. 1) He/she is not on ballot 2) Has no time to gain recognition UNLESS already famous.
Methinks MOST Bush bashing is because frustrated Democrats voted for Clinton and could not say anything NO MATTER WHAT ROTTEN DEEDS he perpetrated. And they secretly knew that Hillary was partly to blame for bad decisions and thoughtless corrupt happenings. So had no way to release their aggravation until Bush came along...

The Unknown Candidate said...

Unknown means "unknown until I choose to reveal my identity." Did you ever think you may know me already? Or maybe not .... Unless you have confirmed knowledge of who I am, I suggest you refrain from making ignorant assumptions.

As for Bush bashing, it has nothing to do with Bill or Hillary Clinton. It has everything to do with the fact that the Bush administration has done more damage to this country -- by subverting our freedoms, by undermining our rights, by waging an illegal war of aggression which has increased terrorism, by lying us into that war, by destroying our standing in the international community, by destroying the middle class and abandoning the poor, by abandoning the people of New Orleans, by doing nothing to solve the domestic problems facing us (healthcare, education, social security, medicare, etc.), by removing environmental protections put in place by previous administrations and thus worsening the global warming/environmental/energy crisis which is upon us -- than any other administration in memory -- and it's not done yet.

Your comments are, frankly, ignorant, and at this late date--given that over 70% of Americans have seen the light and have realized that his administration is a disaster -- rather pitiful.

But, you have the right to think what you will -- so if you want to go on deluding yourself, be my guest. If denial is the name of your game, George Bush is your man.