Thursday, September 07, 2006

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State

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In this film, about the rise of the police state in America, Alex Jones also lays out many of the unanswered questions surrounding our government's possible complicity in the 9/11 attacks. Although Jones can sometimes defeat his own purpose with his inflammatory style of reporting, there are many, many serious questions about our government raised in this film -- questions BushCo and the mainstream news have thus far refused or failed to acknowledge, much less attempted to answer.

If the government is innocent and has nothing to hide, would it not be eager to set the record straight? The fact that government officials and the media dismiss legitimate questions by labeling the questioners as 'loonies" and 'conspiracy nuts" speaks volumes -- about their apparent fear of revealing the truth -- most probably because they are involved in a conspiracy of their own against the American people.

Also See:

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