Andrew Card Resigns as White House Chief of Staff
Hmm. Sudden, huh? Think it might have something to do with this?:
Fitzgerald Will Seek New White House Indictments
Andrew Card Resigns as White House Chief of Staff: White House chief of staff Andrew Card has resigned and will be replaced by budget director Josh Bolten, an administration official said Tuesday.
Quiet Maven Steps Onto the Policy Stage: A profile of President Bush's Director of Office of Management and Budget, soon to be the White House Chief of Staff.
The Raw Story | Rove said cooperating in CIA leak inquiry: According to several Pentagon sources close to Rove and others familiar with the inquiry, Bush's senior adviser tipped off Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to information that led to the recent "discovery" of
250 pages of missing email from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.
The Washington Note: Beneath the Surface on Plame Investigation: Rove and Libby in Deadly Dog Fight: Rove giving Patrick Fitzgerald a path into 250 pages of deleted and/or previously unprovided electronic communications from and within the Vice President's office must give serious heartburn to Scooter Libby's defense team, being paid for in part by this
cabal of supporters. Also see:
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