Wednesday, November 08, 2006

After the Tsunami ...

Vigilance, Humility, Oversight, Ethics, and Action.

No question about it; America has spoken, and the balance of power has been restored in Washington. Hopefully, Congressional oversight will once again protect our country from those who would seek to usurp power to the detriment of our Constitution and our country.

Hopefully, those at the helm will hear us and finally begin to serve us -- instead of the other way around.

The voters have made two things crystal clear: They want a responsible end to the Iraq war. And they have had it up to their ears with corruption, lies, and lack of accountability.

It is my hope that Democrats will refrain from vindictive gloating over their victory -- tempting as that may be -- and, instead, immediately set the stage for the kind of change outlined in their 6-Point Plan for 2006:
  1. Honest Leadership & Open Government
    We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves, starting with real ethics reform.

  2. Real Security
    We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies. We believe in a strong national defense that is both tough and smart, recognizing that homeland security begins with hometown security.

  3. Energy Independence
    We will create a cleaner, greener and stronger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, eliminating billions in subsidies for oil and gas companies and use the savings to provide consumer relief and develop energy alternatives, and investing in energy independent technology.

  4. Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence
    We will create jobs that stay in America and restore opportunity for all Americans, starting with raising the minimum wage, expanding Pell grants and making college tuition tax deductible. We also believe in budget discipline that reduces our deficit.

  5. A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone
    We will join 36 other industrialized nations in making sure everyone has access to affordable health care, starting by fixing the prescription drug program and investing in stem cell and other medical research.

  6. Retirement Security
    We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American, starting with pension reform, expanding saving incentives and preventing the privatization of social security.
In addition, I hope that they tackle Iraq with an eye toward redeploying our troops as quickly as possible, initiating regional cooperation (including Syria and Iran) to help stabilize Iraq and quell the civil strife, divesting ourselves of Iraqi oil interests and honoring our initial commitment to allow Iraqi's to benefit from their own reserves, initiating a reconstruction plan in Iraq that uses Iraqi contractors whenever possible and gives preference to bids coming from local companies in order to put people back to work in Iraq and allow them to control the reconstruction of their own country.

I truly hope that Democrats, Republicans and Independents will finally begin to put the people's business above their own. There is much we can agree upon when we stop listening to those who seek to divide us. Let us start here. Let us start anew.

We must be careful, however, to not breath a sigh of relief and mistakenly believe that we have "won" and now, finally, our government will listen to us. The present administration has never been one to care much for what voters think -- except when courting our votes. My guess is that they will continue on their Rovian way, using deceit, lies, propaganda, secrecy, and double-talk in a effort to manipulate the media message and continue to force their agenda down our throats. We must never let down our guard. We must be ever vigilant. At the same time, we must get on the high road and never look back, no matter how many times they may tempt us with wedge issues, unfair accusations, and fear tactics to take a detour into the gutter.

Everyone -- Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- everyone is tired of the divisions, the anger, the lies, the hatred, the frustration. We all want many of the same things for ourselves and our families. It is time for our government -- no matter the party in control -- to unify us and inspire us to do what is best for the common good -- not the elite few -- and to start helping those less fortunate than ourselves -- both at home and abroad. It is time for our leaders to stop waging wars in the name of peace (or God) and to start waging peace in the name of humanity.

Thank you to everyone who stood by America's principles and voted for change in yesterday's election -- especially those of you who put aside party differences for a larger cause. You made all the difference. You, and you alone, have taken that first, important step toward restoring a more hopeful future for all of us, our children, and our grandchildren.

God Bless America.

Also See:


Anonymous said...

Unknown Candidate, you helped this success. Every forthright and honest reporter of every stripe who had the guts to tell the truth and object out loud to the lies and corruption played a role in changing the government.

I am disappointed that you didn't include a proper investigation of 911 as a requirement. Every person involved in trying to save lives, prevent mahem and clean up the mess has to be deposed under oath - especially the president, the vice president and every member of his staff and cabinet. Especially the former and current Secretary of state.

We can not be secure against terrorists without knowing who they are.

Anonymous said...

The first paragraph was supposed to say "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart.

Unknown said...

Dearest TUC,

THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you for all your day-to-day work helping to keep folk like me informed of the issues at hand, and for all your work toward bringing fundamental change within the U.S. political system.

As we've been engineering and implementing a (yet another!) cross-village move recently, I've been away from the internet for too long. We're presently awaiting a reconnect within our new place to our broadband service.

I'm writing this from a public library computer for a few reasons: 1) to thank you for your work, generally, as above, 2) to thank you, in particular, for this, your latest, article (I voted to Digg it), 3) to say congratulations to you and other folk within the U.S. who have pulled off a peaceful regime change at home, and to 4) agree with you that this is no time for carefree celebration, that all lower-case-d democrats must keep their eye on the ball and keep the capital-(and Capitol)-D Democrats in check with the wishes of the populace at large, not the elite few.

All for now, good sir ...

Sean (


And, what about the Democratically led Congress prosecuting those responsible (even amongst themselves) for committing egregious war crimes and crimes against humanity in all our names?

Unknown said...


And, what about the same Democratically led Congress doing a complete, detailed audit -- of the sort which Henry Porter has called for within the UK -- of recent Republican-led legislation which has usurped the Constitution and our Constitutionally derived civil liberties?

The Republican rogues have left the U.S. democratic experiment -- as have the New Labour rogues in the UK -- in great jeopardy given the anti-democratic, anti-liberal legislation which is now on the books, in both countries.

There is much, much work to do ...

The Unknown Candidate said...


First, thank you.

Second, I didn't mean to disappoint; only to keep my post short. I therefore resorted to broad terms such as "oversight," under which I would include investigations of 9/11, secret prisons, domestic spying, et al. I agree with you 100%.

The Unknown Candidate said...

Sean, my friend,

Have missed you. Glad your move is over and you are close to "settling in."

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words.

And thank you for your fine work on iNoodle as well as for your fine suggestions, with which I agree whole heartedly. I am most intrigued with the audit idea.

I am hoping that the Dems will quickly follow through with their commitment to hold hearings and investigations. Once that begins and the truth begins to out, I hold hope (despite Pelosi's vows to the contrary) that impeachment will necessarily follow.

There is, as you say, much, much work to be done. And much bad legislation to be undone in the process.