Monday, July 02, 2007

Should YOU Be President?

"Who should you really support? Here at Attitude Media we don't believe the American Presidential election should be decided by personality, or gender, or who has the best sound bites. If you agree with us that issues matter, then take the following objectively designed short survey to see which of the leading candidates most agree with your position on a wide variety of issues - and also who least agrees with those positions - you may be surprised!

We also rank you, as if you were running for president, and see how your positions rank according to the votes of other survey takers...."

Here are my test results:

Your Presidential Candidate Rankings

Below are the presidential candidates listed with the "best matching" candidates first. The candidate at the top is the one that would provide the closest answers to the ones you provided in the survey.

Dennis Kucinich
John Edwards
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Bill Richardson
Ron Paul
John McCain
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani

Overall Presidential Candidate Rankings

Below are the presidential candidates listed with the "best matching" candidates first, using the average matching score for every user that's taken the survey (a total of 14366 submissions).

Candidate Average Score

Ron Paul 4.05
YOU 3.28
Bill Richardson 2.47
Barack Obama 2.35
Hillary Clinton 2.35
John Edwards 1.64
Dennis Kucinich 0.75
Mike Huckabee 0.43
Mitt Romney 0.43
John McCain -0.86
Rudy Giuliani -1.07

Your Turn. READY? Take the test and see what you're made of: Click Here.

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