Monday, March 10, 2008

The Audacity of Hillary

  • Did Clinton Win Ohio on a Lie? (ICH)
    Paul Rogat Loeb (Commondreams) writes: "Suppose someone in the North Korean government released a false story that shifted a key American election. If Bush were negatively affected, we might be bombing Pyongyang by now. But this just happened with what Hillary Clinton called “NAFTAgate” Without it, she might never have won Ohio, or her margin would have been minuscule. But as a Canadian Broadcasting Company story reveals, practically the entire story was a lie, one that played so central a role in Clinton’s Ohio victory as to thoroughly taint any claim she raises about a swing state mandate...."
  • MUST READ: Hillary Clinton, Not So Good on Genocide (AlterNet):
    Marc Cooper (Huffington Post) writes: "Obama adviser Samantha Power exposed the Clinton administration's indifference to genocide -- she got the boot for stating it on the campaign trail...."
  • The Monster Mash
    Maureen Dowd (NYT) writes: "If Barack Obama thinks Hillary Clinton has cut him down to size lately, he’d better imagine what his life would be like as the Clintons’ vice president...."
  • Why Is Saturday Night Live Shilling for Hillary Clinton's Campaign? (AlterNet)
    "It's weird. Weird like....well, Pat Buchanan praising Hillary Clinton...."

  • Obama and the Bigots
    Nicholas Kristof (NYT) writes: "The ugliest prejudices in this campaign season are not directly about race.... It’s about religion...."
  • It's Over for Hillary
    Dick Morris & Eileen McGann ( write: "The real message of Tuesday's primaries is not that Hillary Clinton won. It's that she didn�t win by enough.

    The race is over...."
  • Clintons Push a Hillary-Obama Ticket (
    "Hillary and Bill Clinton are again teaming up on Barack Obama -- this time saying the first-term U.S. lawmaker, whom they have derided as inexperienced, would be a strong running mate on a Democratic presidential ticket headed by the former first lady...."
  • Obama Not Qualified for Commander in Chief, OK for VP (
    "After touting Barack Obama as a potential vice presidential running mate, Bill and Hillary Clinton have created an eruption of outrage in the liberal blogosphere....
  • Gary Hart: Breaking the Final Rule (The Huffington Post)
    "It will come as a surprise to many people that there are rules in politics. Most of those rules are unwritten and are based on common understandings, acceptable practices, and the best interest of the political party a candidate seeks to lead. One of those rules is this: Do not provide ammunition to the opposition party that can be used to destroy your party's nominee...."
  • Confronting the Kitchen Sink
    Bob Herbert (NYT) writes: "...We have seen election after election in which candidates have won by fanning the anxieties of voters. Elect me, or something terrible will happen to you!

    That is now the Clinton mantra, which is a measure of how grim our politics have become...."
  • BILLORY-GATE: Attorneys argue whether Hillary Clinton should be in lawsuit:
    "An attorney for a former Hillary Clinton supporter says the Democratic presidential contender should be reinstated as a defendant in a lawsuit because she allegedly violated campaign finance laws during her bid for a Senate seat in 2000...."
  • "Monster"-Gate: the Clintons Get Away with a Slur, While Respected Obama Aide Forced to Resign (AlterNet)
    David Corn (Mother Jones) writes: "The Clinton people do deserve chutzpah points for trying to turn this nothing-burger into a full-course feast...."
  • Hillary Clinton - The Hillary Clinton Project and Wiki
    Everything you never wanted to know about Hillary....
  • Hillary Unmasked (
    Dick Morris & Eileen McGann write: "The real Hillary Clinton stood up at the Democratic presidential debate this week: angry, sarcastic, stubborn, secretive, arrogant, mired in the past, victim of the media, and still firmly convinced that she is uniquely entitled to the Democratic Party nomination and the presidency...."
  • MUST READ: Clintons to face fraud trial
    WorldNetDaily reports: "While Hillary Clinton battles Barack Obama on the campaign trail, a judge in Los Angeles is quietly preparing to set a trial date in a $17 million fraud suit that aims to expose an alleged culture of widespread corruption by the Clintons and the Democratic Party...."

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