Tuesday, January 08, 2008

How Green is Your Candidate?

Grist has done the research and provided valuable information about where the presidential candidates fall on the Green scale.

Interviews and information on the presidential candidates' energy plans and environmental positions are provided. You can also compare the candidate's green positions in this chart allowing you to quickly contrast where the presidential contenders stand on climate and energy issues.

Finally, you can watch video of "some of the candidates speaking at the first-ever presidential candidate forum focused on climate change and energy policy, cosponsored by Grist."

"Grist also teamed up with Outside to interview presidential contenders about green issues. [They've] published Q&As with all of the Democrats and a number of the Republicans. [They've] also compiled fact sheets on the candidates, with their current platforms, voting records, video, audio, and more" to be updated "as the campaigns unfold."

Illustration: Grist.org

1 comment:

Seven Star Hand said...


I need your help now...

Tired of waiting for politics and politicians to defeat those who are purposely destroying our planet? What would you do if given the pivotal wisdom required to drive a stake through the heart of these evil bloodsuckers' hidden power sources? Would you complain because it's not your "thing" or would you show some courage and do what is right for the sake of all life, regardless of your personal desires and most cherished opinions?

Use this special "gift" (rosenrot...) wisely...

Here is Wisdom...
