Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ron Paul on Blowback

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Mises Institute
"Plenty of reasonable people can disagree about foreign policy. What's really strange is when one reasonable position is completely and forcibly excluded from the public debate.

Such was the case after 9-11. Every close observer of the events of those days knows full well that these crimes were acts of revenge for US policy in the Muslim world. The CIA and the 911 Commission said as much, the terrorists themselves proclaimed it, and Osama underscored the point by naming three issues in particular: US troops in Saudi Arabia, US sanctions against Iraq, and US funding of Israeli expansionism.

So far as I know, Ron Paul is the only prominent public figure in the six years since who has given an honest telling of this truth. The explosive exchange occurred during the Republican Presidential debate in South Carolina...."
Photo: Ron Paul

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Giuliani's History Lesson

Too many American's have recieved their propaganda imposed history from corrupted, censored textbooks covering up treason from within the American Republic.

Ron Paul has widespread popular support.

As a lifelong Republican, I've found the Republican Party Establishment at the top (not the grass roots) sell us out. Alan Keyes who ran in 1996, and 2000 was awesome. However, in 1996 the GOP traitors had him arrested when he arrived at one Debate, the debate went on without him. No charges, for he was innocent, but merely a stall tactic to keep him out of view until the debate ended. Alan Keyes was speaking the traditional platform of abolishing the Marxist graudated income tax and the Federal Reserve.

You sorry suckers who think that G. W. Bush is conservative are idiots. True Conservatives find Ron Paul the man who stands with the platform---and more importantly the US Constitution---with not one other candidate of either party remotly coming close to him.

More American's should join Rudy Giuliani in a history Lesson from Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture (who today Sean Hannity and other non-conservatives would love to smear), as well as Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, best selling author, and true conservative, of "The Naked Communist and "The Naked Capitalist."