Friday, April 06, 2007

Quote of the Day

From Valenzuela's Veritas:
"... We are a nation asleep at the wheel, drunk off our self-exceptionalism and gluttony, ramming head on into the massive trunk of unthinking self-destruction, our arrogance blinding us to the giant cancer in our midst, addicted to materialism and television, every day dumbed down further, unwilling to learn about the world outside our infallible bubble, creating a snowball rolling downhill, gaining momentum and growing in size, in its path eviscerating the dreams and hopes of the future as well as an American past that once offered humanity a glimmer of hope in an ever-dwindling and myopic world."

1 comment:

sonobono said...

Beautifully said.
But, sadly, we're really not asleep at the wheel; we're all too busy contemplating
our navels.