Senator Claire McCaskill explains why Barack Obama is the best man or woman to be the next president of the United States.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." -- Jimi Hendrix

Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Obama: Let's Challenge the Murdochization of Our Media

"In a speech Sunday, Barack Obama said he would pursue a vigorous antitrust policy if he becomes U.S. president and singled out the media industry as one area where government regulators would need to be watchful as consolidation increases.Cartoon Credit: THE iPINIONS JOURNAL
His statement signals a key opening for media and democracy reformers and the movement they have spawned in this last decade--a movement The Nation has been centrally involved in ever since we launched our National-Entertainment series (complete with glossy centerfolds) in 1996. Working with this movement, an Obama Administration could effectively challenge the destructive and concentrated attack by corporate media consolidation on the integrity of our democracy...."
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Expert: Obama in good shape with white working-class voters

"Ruy Teixeira, a Democratic analyst of voting trends, wrote the book on the core issue in the endgame of the party’s nomination fight. Its title is “America’s Forgotten Majority: Why the White Working Class Still Matters.”Illustration: Kevin Kallaugher (via The Atlantic Community)
One might conclude that Mr. Teixeira is troubled by Senator Barack Obama’s performance in recent primaries against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton among the voters known by nicknames like Joe Sixpack or Nascar Dad or Waitress Mom.
Actually, he is not...."
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Technorati tags: Barack Obama, 2008 Election, President, White voters, white, working class, Hillary Clinton
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Barack Obama at Wesleyan Commencement Ceremony
Barack fills in for Teddy Kennedy as the commencement speaker at the Wesleyan University graduation ceremony on Memorial weekend.
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McCain Shows His Bad Temper with an Anti-Obama Rant

The Republican reveals his inner hot head with an audacious shot across the bow to Obama in the more | digg story
If John McCain goes ballistic every time he's mildly criticized by Barack Obama, this is going to be a much more interesting campaign than I thought.
Hillary: "All About Eve"

"...In politics, there are many unpredictable and unsavory twists and turns. That’s why she’s hanging around.Cartoon credit:
Maybe a tired, stressed Hillary was giving an unfiltered version of a blunt conversation that she’s had with her husband and advisers about staying in the race, using R.F.K. as an anything-can-happen example, in the same way she fantasizes about Sean Hannity breaking a story that would demolish Obama.
Obama now has the perfect excuse not to pick Hillary as his running mate. She has been too unseemly in her desire to be on the scene if he trips, or gets hit with a devastating story. She may want to take a cue from the Miss America contest: make a graceful, magnanimous exit and wait in the wings.
That’s where the runners-up can be found, prettily lurking, in case it turns out the girl with the crown has some naked pictures in her past."
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Technorati tags: Hillary Clinton, RFK, Barack Obama, Kennedy, Vice President, Bill Clinton, Maureen Dowd, New York Times
Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama
Brace yourself! And if your bothered by this, voice your displeasure to:
While commenting on Hillary's RFK gaffe, Liz Trotta on Fox News Channel first referred to Barack Obama as "Osama" and then laughed that they should both be killed...
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While commenting on Hillary's RFK gaffe, Liz Trotta on Fox News Channel first referred to Barack Obama as "Osama" and then laughed that they should both be killed...
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Roger Cohen: It's the networks, stupid
Roger Cohen (The International Herald Tribune) writes:
"More than any other factor, it has been Barack Obama's grasp of the central place of Internet-driven social networking that has propelled his campaign for the Democratic nomination into a seemingly unassailable lead over Hillary Clinton. Her campaign has been so 20th-century. His has been of the century we're in...."read more | digg story
Technorati tags: Roger Cohen, International Herald Tribune, Politics, Fund Raising, Political Donations, Internet
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Smokey says Yes, We Can!
Trouble viewing this video? Click here.
Technorati tags: Humor, YouTube, Parrot, Obama, Yes we can, politics, video, 2008 Presidential Election
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Take Action: Stop Bush from Bombing Iran
This, today, from
"The Jerusalem Post broke the news this morning: George Bush intends to attack Iran in his final months in office.'The official claimed that a senior member of the president's entourage, which concluded a trip to Israel last week, said during a closed meeting that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were of the opinion that military action was called for.'1Congress has the power to stop him. There is a resolution already in the Senate called S. Res. 356. It's a straightforward and simple resolution that says, 'A resolution affirming that any offensive military action taken against Iran must be explicitly approved by Congress before such action may be initiated.'
Tell your Senator to support and fight for S. Res 356:
Today's story is just the latest to discuss the increasingly belligerent rhetoric of the Bush administration towards Iran. Just last week, President Bush compared anyone who seeks to negotiate with Iran to those who appeased the Nazis prior to World War II.
We only have a few months until our long national nightmare of the Bush Administration comes to an end. But, it is abundantly clear that they intend on going out with a bang. It's time for the Congress to embrace its role as a co-equal branch of government and stop them before it is too late.
Send a message to your Senator right now:
Thanks for taking action to stop another war."
-- Ilya Sheyman, Online Organizer,
Also See:
- Scott Ritter Warns of Bush Attack on Iran | The Progressive
- Ominous Signs That White House Advisers Want More Wars | AlterNet:
"Is there a resurgence by the remaining hawks in the Bush administration?"
The Candidates & The Military Industrial Complex
Kathy Kelly: The Dem candidates do not take on the defense industry
Kathy Kelly says that Democratic candidates talk tough on the war but are not ready to take on the defense industry. She says all candidates, including Obama, are developing plans to keep US troops in Iraq for several more years.
Watch the video; then follow her recommendation to lobby Obama on this crucial issue:
For more: The Real News Network - Story
Don't Underestimate the Power of your Voice and Action for Change:
- Here Come the Millennials | New York Times:
"...Whether young Americans can shift the balance of the presidential election is an open question. But there is very little doubt that over the next several years they are capable of loosening the tremendous grip that conservatives have had on the levers of American power."
Technorati tags: Military Industrial Complex, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Kathy Kelly, Democrats, Election, President, Primaries, Foreign Policy, video, Real News
Superdelegates Turned Down $1 Million Offer from Clinton Donor

The Huffington Post reports:
"One of Sen. Hillary Clinton's top financial supporters offered $1 million to the Young Democrats of America during a phone conversation in which he also pressed for the organization's two uncommitted superdelegates to endorse the New York Democrat, a high-ranking official with YDA told The Huffington Post.
Haim Saban, the billionaire entertainment magnate and longtime Clinton supporter, denied the allegation. But four independent sources said that just before the North Carolina and Indiana primaries, Saban called YDA President David Hardt and offered what was perceived as a lucrative proposal: $1 million would be made available for the group if Hardt and the organization's other uncommitted superdelegate backed Clinton...."
Also See:
- Clinton Camp Privately Assures Superdels: We Won't Embarrass You | The Huffington Post
- Daniel Nichanian: Early Returns: Add A Potential Staff Crossover To Today's Votes | The Huffington Post
- Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos (for Hillary)
- Seeds of Destruction | Bob Herbert | New York Times:
"...[C]lass is not a Clinton forte.
But it’s one thing to lack class and a sense of grace, quite another to deliberately try and wreck the presidential prospects of your party’s likely nominee — and to do it in a way that has the potential to undermine the substantial racial progress that has been made in this country over many years.
The Clintons should be ashamed of themselves. But they long ago proved to the world that they have no shame." - Carl Bernstein: The Question of Hillary Clinton's Guilt-By-Association Tactics | The Huffington Post
- Gas Tax Holiday: Hillary Places Economists Beneath Large Transportation Unit
Technorati tags: superdelegates, 2008 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton, Haim Saban, Bribery, Young Democrats of America, Bob Herbert
Barack Obama in Roseburg Oregon
Joe Leonardi | "The Man"
Directed by Tim Cash
Trouble viewing this video? Click Here.
Directed by Tim Cash
Trouble viewing this video? Click Here.
Technorati tags: Joe Leonardi, "The Man", Barack Obama, Tim Cash, video, music, YouTube, 2008 Presidential Campaign, Oregon, Primaries, Politics
Monday, May 19, 2008
The REAL John McCain: Less Jobs, More Wars.
Turn John McCain's YouTube Problem into a Nightmare!
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Gore Vidal on Obama

Gore Vidal, the writer and long-time Clinton supporter, tells why Hillary is insane to keep on fighting....Photo credit: Gore Vidal.
Why McCain is Wrong for America

- McCain Action Helped Arizona Developer: Report | New York Times:
- McCain Can Run, but Bush Won’t Hide | Frank Rich | New York Times:
"...[A]re independents suckers? They’d have to be to fall for the pitch that Mr. McCain is an apostate in his own party in 2008. He has been an outspoken Bush defender since helping him sell the Iraq war in 2002 and barnstorming for him in 2004. Despite Mr. McCain’s campaign claims to the contrary, he never publicly called for the firing of Donald Rumsfeld. He is still one of the president’s most stalwart supporters in Congress, even signing on to the president’s wildly unpopular veto of an expansion of children’s health insurance...."
- Dire Consequences with a McCain Supreme Court? | AlterNet:
"Imagine the dire consequences if McCain appoints a fifth radical Supreme Court justice who believes in an all-powerful Executive Branch...."
- McCain's Lobbyists Continue to Cause Him Headaches | AlterNet:
"Lobbyists turned campaign staffers resign over connections to military dictatorships...."
- Free Ride- John McCain and the Media | Justin Cole (MediaMatters):
Today, Paul Waldman and David Brock are releasing a new chapter to their book, "Free Ride: John McCain and the Media." The new chapter is an update to the media coverage of McCain since the book was published and is available at
Here is a sample from the new chapter:As Free Ride was nearing its release, we began to hear an interesting argument from those skeptical of the case we make. "Look at that story in the New York Times suggesting that McCain might have had an affair with a lobbyist," some said. "Doesn't that prove the press isn't in the tank for McCain?" The truth, however, is that the Times story proves just the opposite.
The speculation about a possible McCain affair did not exactly set off a feeding frenzy among the press corps. Though one could argue ignoring such salacious rumors is exactly what the press should do, it is hard to imagine they would have been as restrained had it been a different candidate. Indeed, within hours, that aspect of the story simply disappeared from public discussion; instead, McCain and his press team managed to transform the controversy about him to a controversy about the New York Times.
"Presumptive Republican presidential candidate John McCain secured millions in federal funds for a land acquisition program that provided a windfall for an Arizona developer whose executives were major campaign donors, according to a USA Today report...."
Technorati tags: John McCain, Frank Rich, New York Times, Bush, Politics, Presidential Election, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Congressman Wexler: Inherent Contempt for Rove
Congressman Robert Wexler: "
Last night, I appeared on MSNBC's Verdict with Dan Abrams to discuss Karl Rove's outrageous refusal to appear before Congress regarding serious allegations that he used the US Justice Department to take down a prominent Democratic politician. It is alleged that Mr. Rove personally instigated the prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegleman. The case has been criticized by legal experts, and 52 former state attorney generals – both Republicans and Democrats – have criticized the case and called for an investigation. (You may view the clip here.)
If Rove refuses to testify voluntarily and ignores the subpoenas that will certainly be issued, he should be held in Inherent Contempt of the House of Representatives.
No American is above the law. None of us should be able to ignore Congress without consequence. If Mr. Rove ignores a subpoena from the Judiciary Committee, then the House of Representatives should pass an Inherent Contempt citation and exercise our right to send the House Sergeant-of-Arms to gather Mr. Rove and bring him before Congress to testify.
I do not advocate this option lightly, but the reality is that Congress has few options left against an Administration that totally refuses to submit to any type of reasonable Congressional oversight. Congress has both the right and obligation to investigate these matters. Never before has an Executive so upset the checks and balances inherent in our Constitution. If we back off or delay, we effectively forfeit the power of Congress to investigate the Executive branch.
Rove is not the first White House official to ignore Congress. We have seen a pattern of refusals based on laughable claims of executive privilege. First, White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers ignored subpoenas on the investigation into the firing of US Attorney Generals for partisan political motives.
Their refusal to testify was unprecedented: never before have executive officials totally refused to even show up before Congress. Bolten and Miers are the highest officials ever held in contempt of Congress. Unfortunately, Attorney General Mukasey – in a dereliction of duty – has refused to enforce the contempt decree and now Congress is suing them in District Court to demand compliance. Then, the Vice President's Chief of Staff, David Addington, refused to testify on the investigation into the Bush Administration's ordering of torture. Now, Rove continues this executive arrogance by also refusing to testify.
Enough is enough. We have a Constitutional obligation to provide accountability to a White House that is trying usurp the constitutional powers of Congress.
These are the very reasons why I have been pushing for impeachment hearings for Vice President Cheney. The Bush Administration has been running roughshod over the Constitution for eight long years. We should not allow the promise of a positive election be used as an excuse to ignore our duty to investigate crimes that weaken the very fabric of our Democracy.
I thank you again for your commitment to the causes that we hold so dear."
Also See:
Olbermann: Mr. President, the War Isn't About You
For complete transcript and video: Click Here.
"Olbermann reacts to President Bush's recent interview with and online users of Yahoo. Olbermann takes issue with Bush's claim he gave up golf to honor dead GIs ...."As usual, Olbermann shows how well the title "Idiot in Chief" describes the current occupant of the Whitehouse:
For complete transcript and video: Click Here.
Also See:
- Will Bunch | President Bush Committed Political Treason Today
"I've seen a lot of sad things in American politics in my lifetime -- the resignation of a president who became a national disgrace after he oversaw a campaign of break-ins and cover-ups, another who circumvented the Constitution to trade arms for hostages, and yet is now hailed as national hero. And those paled to what we have seen in the last seven years -- flagrant disregard for the Constitution, the launching of a "pre-emptive" war on false pretenses, and discussions about torture and other shocking abuses inside the White House inner sanctum.
But now it's come to this: A new low that I never imagined was even possible...."
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Pushing the Single-Payer Solution
Pushing the Single-Payer Solution | Amy Goodman:
"It's time for the candidates to stop dancing around real health-care reform and get behind a single-payer system.
As the media coverage of the Democratic presidential race continues to focus on lapel pins and pastors, America is ailing. As I travel around the country, I find people are angry and motivated. Like Dr. Rocky White, a physician from a conservative, evangelical background who practices in rural Alamosa, Colo. A tall, gray-haired Westerner in black jeans, a crisp white shirt and a bolo tie, Dr. White is a leading advocate for single-payer health care. He wasn't always...."
Technorati tags: Amy Goodman, Health Care, Universal Health Care, Single Payer Health Care, Democrats, President, Election
Gas Tax Gotcha

Hillary Clinton continues her dishonest campaign to say anything that might benefit her politically--no matter what the truth happens to be. The current debate over her and John McCain's proposed federal gas tax holiday is a case in point:
"...We have to agree with Sen. Barack Obama, the only candidate who has refused to play this game. 'It's not an idea to get you through the summer,' he said. 'It's an idea to get them through an election.' His opponents no doubt hope that Mr. Obama's stand will prove to be political suicide. We think it qualifies as political courage."
Also See:
- Gas Tax Holiday Is A Bad Idea | The Progress Report:
SUMMARY: Rising gas prices are hitting Americans hard, while oil companies rake in record profits . As the economy falters, calls to deal with the price of gasoline have reached the halls of Washington, D.C. "[L]awmakers are considering ideas they might have nixed months ago, including temporarily lifting the federal gas tax and halting deposits of oil into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve." Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) have called for a summer moratorium on the federal gas tax. McCain has not specified how to make up the $11 billion; Clinton has proposed a tax on windfall profits from oil companies to recoup losses to the federal highway fund. Economic analysts of all stripes have responded with horror, pointing out that " the benefits will flow to oil companies, not consumers." Even if a suspension of the gas tax led to lower prices, the rich would benefit the most, since "the more a family earns, the more they drive," notes Sam Davis of the Center for American Progress. Len Burman of the non partisan Urban Institute calls the proposal "a huge windfall for refiners." New York Times columnist Tom Friedman argues, " This is money laundering: we borrow money from China and ship it to Saudi Arabia and take a little cut for ourselves as it goes through our gas tanks." Newsweek's Jonathan Alter agrees, stating, "Suspending the federal gas tax is a crass ploy for votes." The Atlantic Monthly's James Fallows calls cutting the gas tax "destructive nuttiness" and "embarrassing." Economist Gilbert Metcalf called it "very short-sighted," noting, "If we want people to invest in energy-saving cars, we need some assurance that the higher price paid for these cars is going to pay off through fuel savings."
- Dumb as We Wanna Be | New York Times | Thomas L. Friedman:
"The McCain-Clinton gas holiday proposal is a perfect example of what energy expert Peter Schwartz of Global Business Network describes as the true American energy policy today: “Maximize demand, minimize supply and buy the rest from the people who hate us the most.”
Good for Barack Obama for resisting this shameful pandering."
Bill O'Reilly's Foxy Lady

"...Clinton may never be the Democratic nominee for president.Cartoon Credit: FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog |� Michael Ramirez on Hillary Clinton and Norman Hsu
But she's got the makings of a Fox New analyst: corrupt, partisan and ready to play ball with Bill O'Reilly."
Also See:
- Think Progress | SURVEY: Daily Show/Colbert Viewers Most Knowledgable, Fox News Viewers Rank Lowest:
"A new study by the Pew Research Study shows that viewers of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report have the highest knowledge of national and international affairs, while Fox News viewers rank nearly dead last...."
- Think Progress | Who Do You Trust?:
"A new Harris Interactive poll finds that over half of Americans — 54 percent — say they tend not to trust the press, “with only 30 percent tending to trust the press.” More Americans (41 percent) trust “Internet news and information sites” than they do the mainstream media. Radio tends to do best among Americans as 44 percent say they tend to trust it."
Cutting Through The Politics
"For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to which we are subjected and in which all too often we serve as unwilling instruments." -- Noam Chomsky
- Ignore the Youth Vote at Your Own Peril | Election 2008 | AlterNet:
"Mike Connery on why progressive leaders should stop lamenting 'youth apathy' and start engaging the most diverse, tolerant, generation in history."
- Hillary Struggles Against Sexism But Regularly Plays Race Card | AlterNet:
"In the face of raw, media-driven misogyny, Clinton resorts to playing the race card and loses some women's support in the process."
- Why John McCain Wants You To Give Up Your Health Insurance | The American Prospect:
"The McCain Agenda: McCain believes that Americans use too much health care, and he has created a plan that will make care less affordable so millions of Americans will use less."
- Bloggingheads: The Obama Promise | New York Times Video
- "We Can't have Acquittals" | AlterNet:
"A former Defense Department prosecutor tells us what we already know - terrorism cases were juked for political gain."
- McCain's Elitism and the New GI Bill | AlterNet:
"John McCain is supporting a watered-down version of the new GI Bill that will primarily benefit career officers."
- Things Americans Don't Want To Talk About | AlterNet:
"Dave Neiwert digs in to the deeper meaning of the Reverend Wright 'scandal.'"
- Americans Selling Possessions to Stay Afloat | AlterNet: "
In the wake of the housing crash and rising food and energy prices, Americans are pawning their clothes, furniture and more."
- Is Senator Clinton Beholden to an Anti-Gay Demographic? | AlterNet:
"Looks like Clinton is courting supporters on the wrong side of the culture war."
- Dyncorp Used Armored Car To Transport Prostitutes in Iraq | AlterNet:
"Whistleblowers report on the outrageous misuse of resources by contractors in Iraq."
- No Country for Old Men | Election 2008 | AlterNet:
"McCain's age matters; especially if he picks his running mate from the crazy wing of the Republican Party."
- Why You Shouldn't Spend that 'Stimulus' Check | AlterNet:
"If we refused to cash our checks, the value of the dollars in our pockets would go up by more than the face value of the stimulus refund."
- The McCain Health Plan: Millions Lose Coverage, Health Costs Worsen, and Insurance and Drug Industries Win |
...McCain’s plan is a dangerous fraud.
He wants voters to think he is going after health care cost inflation. In reality, he wants to dismantle the employer-provided system that now covers over 60 percent (or about 158 million) of non-elderly Americans, forcing millions of us who now get fairly decent health insurance on the job to instead buy whatever they can find on the individual market controlled by unregulated and predatory insurance companies. And he would drive health care costs upward, not downward.... - Which Is Worse: the Pentagon or the Media? | AlterNet:
"The Pentagon says it's halting its propaganda program, but the news media is still quite about its role in leading us to war."
- Bush Made Permanent | New York Times | Paul Krugman
"...if truth be told, the McCain tax plan doesn't seem to embody any coherent policy agenda. Instead, it looks like a giant exercise in pandering - an attempt to mollify the GOP's right wing, and never mind if it makes any sense. The impression that Mr. McCain's tax talk is all about pandering is reinforced by his proposal for a summer gas tax holiday - a measure that would, in fact, do little to help consumers, although it would boost oil industry profits.
More and more, Mr. McCain sounds like a man who will say anything to become president." - As Election Nears, Supreme Court Upholds Repressive Voter ID Law | AlterNet:
"It is more important now than ever for lawmakers across the country to pass laws protecting the right to vote."
- The News Media: Watchdog or Lap Dog? | AlterNet
"I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we're being psyoped by our own government...."
- Media Matters | CNN's Bash, Roberts, and Phillips ignored Hagee's comments linking Hurricane Katrina to gay pride parade:
"Reporting on a New Orleans campaign event at which Sen. John McCain's 'carefully scripted imagery was interrupted by a voter's question about Pastor John Hagee,' CNN's Dana Bash aired a clip of Hagee -- who has endorsed McCain -- saying of Hurricane Katrina, 'What happened in New Orleans looked like the curse of God.' But Bash did not air the portion of Hagee's comments in which he reaffirmed his previous assertion that Hurricane Katrina was at least in part the result of 'sin' that Hagee identified as 'a massive homosexual rally.' CNN's John Roberts and Kyra Phillips similarly noted that Hagee said that 'Katrina was God's punishment for sinful behavior in New Orleans' without mentioning that among the 'sinful behavior' Hagee referenced was the gay pride parade."
- Media Matters | MSNBC hosted Obama smear-purveyor to discuss the impact of Obama's connections to Wright in North Carolina:
"MSNBC's Tamron Hall held a discussion with North Carolina radio host Jeff Katz about the effect Sen. Barack Obama former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, is having on North Carolina voters without disclosing that Katz's website prominently encourages visitors to 'Help the N.C. GOP keep their ad on the air,' referring to an ad that attacks Obama for his connections to Wright, and contains the false claim that Obama 'won't pledge to the flag.'"
- How McCain Lost in Pennsylvania | New York Times | Frank Rich:
"IT’S a nightmare. It’s the Bataan Death March. It’s mutually assured Armageddon. 'Both of them are already losing the general to John McCain,' declared a Newsweek columnist last month, predicting that the election 'may already be over' by the time the Democrats anoint a nominee.
Not so fast. If we’ve learned any new rule in the 2008 campaign, it’s this: Once our news culture sets a story in stone, chances are it will crumble. But first it must be recycled louder and louder 24/7, as if sheer repetition will transmute conventional wisdom into reality...." - American Thinker: The Oil Connection:
"A recent piece of news has shed new light on what could be another storm for both the Clintons...."
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