When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." -- Jimi Hendrix

Sunday, September 04, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Wisconsin Protest Wave: Four ways to build the movement!

The Wisconsin Protest Wave: Four ways to build the movement!
This week, Move to Amend organizers are at the forefront of the democratic uprising in Wisconsin!
The Liberty Tree Foundation and the Center for Media and Democracy have launched the "Wisconsin Wave" to bring together working people and expose the true culprits in the state budget crisis.
Check out this information from these two MTA coalition organizations:
--> This Wednesday, tomorrow, Wisconsin Wave is organizing a picket and rally against Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce - the corporate strategy makers and financial backers for Governor Scott Walker.
--> The Center for Media and Democracy published a special report about Walker's Koch Brothers connection. These masterminds behind the Tea Party spent millions to place Walker in office and now he's carrying out their agenda. Wisconsin is just the beginning -- the Kochs invested similarly in other states and their anti-working and middle class policy proposals will be introduced there as well.
--> Ben Manski, Move to Amend Executive Committee member was interviewed on Fox "News" with a message to America about the real solution to state budget shortfalls: tax the wealthy and corporations.
There's more to come in the days ahead:
--> The Center for Media and Democracy has been live blogging every day - tune in to get the latest updates.
--> Spread the word about the Wisconsin Wave, especially to your friends in Wisconsin!
And even more exciting MTA news from the Badger State:
--> On April 5 residents of Madison and Dane County, WI will have the opportunity to pass a resolution to amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish Corporate Personhood. The campaign is organized by South Central Wisconsin Move to Amend. Last fall the group collected over 15,000 signatures to get the resolution placed on their city and county ballots.
Bring the movement to your community!
Join our Move to Amend Local Action Webinar to find out how:
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
4pm Pacific / 5pm Mountain / 6pm Central / 7pm Eastern
Register Now!
Friday, February 11, 2011
A Hated Dictator is GONE thanks to the people's uprising
As we join the celebration with the people in Egypt who showed such courage in the face of 30 years of repression, those of us living in the United States must stop the crimes of our own government towards the people of the region:
The Mubarak regime was “Made in the U.S.A.” Since 1979, the U.S. has given the regime $35 billion, $1.3 billion per year in military support. Because of this, Egypt has a large military, and the world’s 4th largest fleet of F-16 fighter planes. Egyptian police who have held 10,000 political prisoners receive training from the U.S. military. Even the tear gas fired on demonstrators is "Made in the U.S.A."
Despite decades of torture, disappearing political opponents, and the most open brutality against its own citizens, neither Republican or Democrat leaders plan to reduce military aid to Egypt (LA Times 2/9/11).
The U.S. government and leaders know Egypt is a torture state. The United States, including the Obama administration, knows about the torture, abuse, indefinite detention, political suppression, rape and sexual assault that had been taking place over years under the Mubarak regime.
According to Human Rights Watch, “law enforcement officials have used torture and ill-treatment on a widespread, deliberate, and systematic basis over the past two decades to glean confessions and information, or to punish detainees.” Omar Suleiman – now the vice president – was the intelligence chief responsible for arranging “extraordinary rendition” of prisoners to be tortured in Egypt for the Clinton and Bush administrations, interrogating some himself.
Saturday March 19: STOP These Wars Now! On the 8th anniversary of the U.S. War & Occupation of Iraq, Join the protest! At The White House 12:00 pm, or wherever you are. U.S. Out of Iraq and Afghanistan!
The World Can’t Wait
worldcantwait.net (866) 973-4463
The Mubarak regime was “Made in the U.S.A.” Since 1979, the U.S. has given the regime $35 billion, $1.3 billion per year in military support. Because of this, Egypt has a large military, and the world’s 4th largest fleet of F-16 fighter planes. Egyptian police who have held 10,000 political prisoners receive training from the U.S. military. Even the tear gas fired on demonstrators is "Made in the U.S.A."
Despite decades of torture, disappearing political opponents, and the most open brutality against its own citizens, neither Republican or Democrat leaders plan to reduce military aid to Egypt (LA Times 2/9/11).
The U.S. government and leaders know Egypt is a torture state. The United States, including the Obama administration, knows about the torture, abuse, indefinite detention, political suppression, rape and sexual assault that had been taking place over years under the Mubarak regime.
According to Human Rights Watch, “law enforcement officials have used torture and ill-treatment on a widespread, deliberate, and systematic basis over the past two decades to glean confessions and information, or to punish detainees.” Omar Suleiman – now the vice president – was the intelligence chief responsible for arranging “extraordinary rendition” of prisoners to be tortured in Egypt for the Clinton and Bush administrations, interrogating some himself.
Saturday March 19: STOP These Wars Now! On the 8th anniversary of the U.S. War & Occupation of Iraq, Join the protest! At The White House 12:00 pm, or wherever you are. U.S. Out of Iraq and Afghanistan!
The World Can’t Wait
worldcantwait.net (866) 973-4463
Our government must stop supporting torture & repression in Egypt!
Friday, 11 February 2011
Friday, 11 February 2011
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