When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." -- Jimi Hendrix
Subject: Include the anti-war candidates in all presidential debates"The War in Iraq is the second biggest expansion of the federal government during the Bush administration. It is also the most disastrous. The war in Iraq is also is the biggest issue of the day. But some in the Republican Party want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend the problem doesn't exist.We want to make them choke on that sand.So far there is only one Republican candidate for President who is daring to oppose the war in Iraq -- Congressman Ron Paul. As we saw after the FoxNews debate, the Big Government crowd in the Republican Party wants to silence the anti-war viewpoint by silencing Ron Paul.Ron Paul has been excluded from the June 30th presidential forum in Des Moines, Iowa. Because candidates who will speak against war provide an educational function that must be heard by the public, we would like to ask you to CONTACT the organizers of this debate with a CIVIL EXPRESSION OF YOUR RIGHTEOUS OUTRAGE AT THIS EXCLUSION.Please send the following message to the organizers of the Iowa debate . . .'Please give us a real Presidential debate, not an echo chamber. Please reverse your policy of excluding the only anti-war Republican candidate from your debate. Please take immediate action to include Congressman Ron Paul.'Personalize it. Firmly, but politely, tell them what you think. You can send your message here.It is our position, as part of our educational mission, that all anti-war candidates in all races must be heard in all debates, so citizens can benefit from a full airing of all views on this most important of all issues.We are legally non-partisan. We are temperamentally anti-partisan. We dislike political parties, and all mindless partisanship. Therefore, we don't want to make it look like we're just picking on the Republicans, or just coming to the defense of Ron Paul. Quite the contrary . . .We also think the Democrats' position on the war stinks too. The Democrats have consistently failed to do the right thing. They talk against the war, but they fail to take the only direct and responsible action available to them to actually stop the war.Congress has a Constitutional right to de-authorize the war. The Democrats have a majority with which to pass such a resolution. But they have not done this. Instead, they try to avoid the real issue by attacking the funding of the war -- an issue on which they lack the votes to bring about real change.Congressional Democrats are frauds, and they too deserve to feel a little pain for their bad faith. Please also send a message to Congress urging them to de-authorize the War in Iraq."
"Larisa Alexandrovna: New reports suggest Osama bin Laden may have chartered Saudi flight out of U.S. after 9/11."
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