Friday, June 01, 2007

Iraqi PM Fears Military Coup

The Raw Story | CBS report:
Iraqi PM al-Maliki told Lara Logan of CBS Evening News in an exclusive interview on Wednesday that he has a real fear of a coup by the Iraqi army.

Al-Maliki said that some of the officer corps have been creating problems and even violating the security of military operations. He stated, "I'm not afraid, but I have to watch the army, because those still loyal to the previous regime may start planning coups. Those people don't believe in democracy, and for that reason we are monitoring the status of the army very closely."

Al-Maliki also insisted that his government is not ordered around by the Americans, saying, "The Americans don't order us to do this or not to do that. On the contrary, we're the ones who tell them to do this and don't do that."
Watch the video clip here.

Sounds like a great recipe for American "success," huh? How many more Americans and Iraqi's will die before our politicians end this atrocity?

Also See:

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