Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Woo Hoo! Lamont Beats Lieberman!

Just after 11 p.m., Senator Joe Lieberman conceded defeat In Connecticut primary Senate race. That's the good news--for Connecticut--and for Democrats and anti-war Americans in general.

The bad news is that Lieberman vowed to become a spoiler by announcing "his candidacy as an independent in the general election in November."

Gee, Joe. I could have sworn I heard you claim to be "a Democrat" in your speech the other night. So uh, now, you're an independent? So much for Democratic loyalty, huh?

Then again, weren't you were the first Democrat to condemn Clinton and call for his impeachment over a fling with an intern?

Yet you still haven't demanded Bush/Cheney's impeachment even after they've violated the Constitution.

I guess that's the kind of "independent" you are -- huh, Joe? -- the kind that thinks sex rises to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" but failing to uphold the Constitution and operating above the law does not. The kind that says you fight for traditional Democratic causes while you vote to go to war in Iraq and to spend billions funding that war (along with the Halliburtons of the world who profit from it). So after all the billions are spent, remind me where you intended to get the money to fund social security, health care, medicare and all the other "democratic" causes you so strongly supported?

Who are you fooling, Joe? Forget about running as an independent and run as the closet, neo-con Republican you really are.

Also see:

  • It Wasn't About the War by William Rivers Pitt
    William Rivers Pitt writes that it wasn't just the war. It was a long, slow slide that eventually tipped Lieberman's applecart. It was a process of insinuation into the cash-and-carry culture of Washington, DC. It was a series of astonishingly bad votes on incredibly important issues. It was, above all, political cowardice; Lieberman attached himself to Bush while Bush was riding high, and was unable to extract himself as Bush's popularity collapsed.

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